Okay..... I gotta quit looking at this stuff..... My rational... - TopicsExpress


Okay..... I gotta quit looking at this stuff..... My rational... Logic thinking mind kinda got creeped out.... Kinda gave my intellectually thinking self the heeby jeebies...... I know year after year the entertainment industry gets a little more raunchy, a little more promiscuous ..... I would start to wonder where is all this going..... Because the millinials are born into it.....They just roll their eyes & say Oh your just being old fashioned.... Their just old Their just from a different generation...... They dont understand...., Thats what the youngsters said when they wouldnt show Elvis sway his hips from the waist down......Will what they are doing today be like Elvis swaying his hips to the teens 20 years from now; & if so what will they be doing 20 years from now exactly??? Well Asheley Necole Mahaney I watched the Demon magicians...... Which led me to viewing this video..... I do feel like an old fogey sometimes...... Because I am always thinking where is all this leading..... I know a person could let their wondering mind get carried away if they believed everything they seen on the Internet .... You have to be rational.... But sometimes..... Ok.... More than sometimes.... What mom & dad tried to instill in your mind & heart isnt just old fogey ness ..... Guard your heart & mind.... If it doesnt feel right...,, The goodnes & love they tried to pass on to you..... Just may save you.....
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 05:04:19 +0000

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