Okay, I guess since everyones talking about the Cartoon, Ill leave - TopicsExpress


Okay, I guess since everyones talking about the Cartoon, Ill leave my two cents. The show to me was not absolutely horrendous, but not good either. It was....mediocre. A typical gag cartoon (Gag shows are plotless shows that puts a strong emphasis on the nonsensical (and sometimes mindless) comedy over the plot and characters). The show was full of jokes, but none of them made me laugh. Only a small percentage of the jokes made me crack a small smile, but that was it. The pacing was a little too fast to me. The story jumped around a bit in some areas which screwed up the flow. For instance, there was a part in the first episode where Sonic explains his actions to Tails and tells him that he only wanted to replace him because he didnt want him getting hurt (not his exact words, I already forgot lol), but he did so right in the middle of their battle....while standing on ice. It was awkward and seemed jammed in there- Sonic shouldve apologized to Tails and explained himself after everything was over, not in the midst of battle. It seriously felt rushed to me. Hard for me to explain, you need to watch the show and decide how the pacing was for yourselves. The plots are childish and goofy, but that was to be expected. However, I didnt care for how the first episode immediately started off with Sonic chasing Eggman. There was no introduction or exposition. I mean, I knew it was going to be plotless, but I really think a tiny introduction wouldve sufficed. Kids ARE watching, you cant assume that all of them know these characters names right off the bat. Speaking of the characters......ugh. Lemme just say I dont like how theyre portrayed at all. When I watched the show, I didnt see the Sonic characters from the main canon, but cheap clones. I honestly feel like they couldve taken any old characters from any other show, stuck them over top of Sonic and the others, and it wouldve been the same. They just felt....like generic cartoon characters and not Sonic the Hedgehog characters. Amy was very bland. Shes no longer a crazy fangirl of Sonics, but now shes been turned into some mindless wanna-be psychologist. It seems that being a youthful, adventurous girl full of spunk is too difficult to capture for Amys personality. She MUST be one-dimensional. Tails was pretty boring too. Hes not a cute 8-9 year old genius who looks up to Sonic like a younger brother would, no. Hes just a sidekick, nothing more. Sticks is.....just there. Seriously, you have a brand new character yet she pops up like shes been a part of the gang since the 90s. I know that the games were supposed to be a prequel, but well, that was a screwup on BRBs part because now the games are coming out after the show. So we get the sequel before the prequel. They shouldve introduced her in the show. But in anycase, shes pretty bland too. Just a cliche basket case. No one speak of Buffles the Bodybuilder to me, EVER. I dont like how Knuckles is portrayed in Sonic Boom and I never will. Seeing numbskull Boom Knuckles hurts my pride as an extreme Knuckles fangirl. Sonic was....typically the same. But I honestly feel that Roger improved a bit in his delivery. I mean, the majority of the time I got that overly cocky, arrogant, Sophomore in College vibe from him, but there were instances where Sonic showed emotions other than complete cockiness. I think my favorite scene was when Tails crashed and Sonic actually showed concern for him. In that instance, Sonics voice changed- it became a bit deeper and that Sophomore-jock tone was dropped. I liked that, and I REALLY wish Roger would give Sonic a tone like that. He would sound much better, seriously. Eggman is the biggest offender in this entire show. The evil genius and mad scientist is.....nothing. Hes nothing but a clown now. And that greatly saddens me. I have no words for what theyve done to him. I just hope this portrayal stays in Sonic Boom and out of the main canon. Thats all I have to say about Sonic Boom the cartoon. I knew a while back that this type of show didnt appeal to me- Im the type that likes shows with a continuing storyline, like most Japanese animes. This Boom cartoon was just a waste- we get a completely new universe and they dont even bother to give us any of the mythology or lore surrounding it. We get nothing but jokes and comedy, which weve already been getting since Sonic Colors. This Comedy Route is absolutely nothing new or original, and honestly, its getting BEYOND stale and tiresome. I simply want a nice Sonic story where Sonic and friends go on adventures and save the world from Eggman or whichever villain whos trying to take over, while maintaining their original personalities. But it seems thats just too much to ask for.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 18:51:53 +0000

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