Okay, I have a feeling Im going to regret this, but here it goes - TopicsExpress


Okay, I have a feeling Im going to regret this, but here it goes anyway. Yesterday, I tweeted and FBed a jokey line about pretentiousness in craft beer, which elicited a lot more and a lot stronger reaction that I had anticipated, through both platforms. So the question is, if craft beer IS pretentious or on the road to becoming so, then how? Is pairing beer with food pretentious, or just tasty? Using a decent glass instead of a frigging mason jar or shaker pint? Wanting a beer with balanced flavours instead of one-sided hops? Thinking that a beer labelled a saison should have something to do with the actual saison style? Ticking?
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 13:34:08 +0000

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