Okay, I have a parking lot rant! Here goes: It is bad enough that - TopicsExpress


Okay, I have a parking lot rant! Here goes: It is bad enough that pedestrians wander around in the middle of where you are trying to drive, blocking the way, not paying attention. I grew up in a time where that was not the case and was taught to pay attention and be respectful of other people, even those in cars, by getting out of the way! But I have become accustomed to the discourtesy. But if you are in a car that has backed out of a spot (or simply not pulled in), it is exceptionally rude, selfish, and thoughtless to block traffic and unload your cart. And lady, I can see by the 5 bags still in your cart that you arent moving anytime soon, so it is unnecessary to wave me by like Im too stupid to figure it out, especially when there is a car coming from the other direction, but you are so self absorbed that you dont even see as you wave me on that your OWN KIDS (teens) are ALSO in my way. Rant over. Resume your activity.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 01:33:12 +0000

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