Okay, I have a rant and I am sorry if it offends some of you but I - TopicsExpress


Okay, I have a rant and I am sorry if it offends some of you but I think this is a bit ridiculous and I want to voice my option as a breeder. If you have to search for a pet (not just a dog) and your search inquiry includes the words free, cheap, or I don’t have a lot of money, then you may need to take a step back and realize that you most likely DO NOT need a pet right now, for both you and the pets sake. Even free or cheap pets cost money!!! Anything can happen at any time, and just an FYI those cheap or free pets usually come with more health problems because the person giving them away or selling them are most likely not going to spend extra money on making sure they are healthly (THIS IS NOT ALWAYS THE CASE, there are exceptions, I am not saying everyone does this!) Pets REQUIRE food, water, shelter, vet care, monthly treatments (if applicable to species), and sometimes EMERGENCY care. Most of these things are not cheap and should not be exchanged for half-ass cheap routes. Weigh out reality when thinking about how much to spend on your pets, in one hand you have saving money and on the other you have your pet’s health/life, which is more important to you? Now don’t get me wrong we ALL get into those tight spots during the month or year but there are options. Working at the Pet Emergency Clinic we see all too often people come in and the first thing they say is we don’t have any money. Well here is what you do, call your friend or family members and ask for a loan (you may be surprised that most will help out) or apply for Care Credit, this is a credit card that some vets as well as the Pet Emergency Clinic accept. A couple other things to think about, apply for Care Credit before an emergency happens, this way you don’t have to worry about applying while you are stressed and scared, you will be one step ahead. The other things is to set aside a pet fund, each month set aside a portion of your income to insure that if an emergency were to happen that you have some funds saved for them. Some people think that I ask too much money for my puppies; however, this is a way for me to take precautions on who my puppy goes to, without having to do full out background checks and vet approvals of each person, which I would if I was unsure about the potential owner. I take out all the necessary stops for my puppies and would hope that they get the same or at least close to the same treatment from their new owners. The above brings me to one last small topic, when inquiring about a pet please DO NOT hesitate to ask the breeder/owner plenty of questions about the pet. Ask questions like have they been properly de-wormed, are they up-to-date on necessary vaccinations, where did they receive those vaccinations and medications, have they been examined by a licensed veterinarian, what kind of food have they been fed, have they been restrained before, have they been socialized, etc. These are VERY IMPORTANT questions, and that is why I document everything my puppies have received, where they have received them, and who administered them! So even if you are not interested in purchasing a pet from me, please DO NOT hesitate to ask me questions or advice. I am NOT an expert; however, I have worked an accredited veterinarian office for 8 years and a trusted emergency clinic for 5 years, if I don’t have the answer or advice I can most likely get it for you.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:26:16 +0000

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