Okay, I have given this much time and much thought so its time to - TopicsExpress


Okay, I have given this much time and much thought so its time to put this out there.. Remember the fundraiser that was planned a while back, with all the crafters who were going to donate the table rentals, along with some also donating a portion of their sales to the families of the 2 firemen who lost their lives in the fire in Toledo, Ohio? I was also going to be in the fundraiser, donating to this cause, along with others.. The fundraiser never happened as many of you know, because there were accusations of theft going around about the couple that was hosting the event in Oregon, Ohio. Lots of things were said about the couple, and it went to the police department, an investigation was done. The couple was NEVER charged with a crime, as after it was investigated, the determination was that NO crime had been committed.. I was sucked up into this drama and the accusations also, and I will kick myself in the ass for that.. I allowed myself to be pulled into all of this, not knowing any of the people who made the accusations, and filed the reports to the Attorney Generals office. Of course, they all denied being the person who called the AGs office, but it points to just a few people. Why you ask, would anyone make accusations they could NOT prove, ruining a way to help the families of these men? In my opinion and now the opinion of MANY others, it was done out of spite and vindictiveness. Because they were not in charge of this fundraiser, because they were not going to run the show.. I, now that I have looked into all of this, strongly feel this to be true. No, this fundraiser was not done in the way I would have done it, and I have done many of them. But, was anything they were doing illegal, or were their simply mistakes being done with no intention of scamming these families? Was this a case of fraud, or was this a case of poor planning and record keeping? There were ill feelings for a long time between them and the couple that started the plans for the fundraiser, and when I say ill feelings I am being cautious with my words.. The word I can say is that they totally hated each other, why else would someone go so far to start all of these rumors, and NEVER stand up publically with proof to provide to the police or to the AGs office? This all started within a very short time of the original planning? I met the group, and had a bad feeling about this from that time on. Now, the group of people that I have been running all of this through agree with me, especially after a statement I made.. If they truly believed that it was a scam to steal money from the funds that were going to help these families out, why after this much time have they not stepped up to do a fundraiser for them? If they REALLY felt horrible for the families, why was a fundraiser not planned and carried out immediately? One of the men left a wife with children, young children, and she could sure use some financial help no doubt. I apologize for the long post, but none of this makes sense to me at all and like I said I also got sucked up into all of this.. Now? I think that what should have happened was for honesty and more transparency by the accusers..
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 01:47:52 +0000

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