Okay I have really been trying to think about how to tell this - TopicsExpress


Okay I have really been trying to think about how to tell this story because no matter how it goes, haters will hate. This time it may not be on anyone but the articles subject. Last Saturday I was the dj at a wedding. With their permission Im allowed to use their names. My good friends Jason McHenry and Francine were getting married and when I got there everyone seemed to be up in arms. As it grew closer to the time for the wedding, people were asking where the Priest was. I was told initially that he had a seizure earlier that morning and was seeking treatment. We were told he would be there as soon as he recovered. The story changed throughout the wait. It was THEN discovered that he had an MS Attack and was in the hospital but was still coming. I hadnt thought about it previously but when the priest was already thirty minutes late I finally heard someone say, Does anyone know Andys number. I could not believe it. Suddenly it all made sense. The Priest was Montgomery Mayor Andy Onufrak. Another twenty minutes had passed and I made several attempts to call his phone just to be sure he was okay. (Benefit of doubt still) He finally showed up over an hour late acting all disheveled. He claimed that he had been in the hospital and couldnt leave because he had an IV in his arm. (He even had a band-aid where the IV wouldve been, so perhaps he had an attack? Uh huh) He mentioned that he was double booked but found someone to do the other wedding because he really wanted to do this one. That was the only true part to the story. He was double booked but, upon investigation I found out that he did the other wedding and threw my friends wedding to the side making everyone wait for over an hour. When he did show up he was red faced and all over the place. Being in the business Im in, I know the smell of booze and it was present. So whats the big deal? THE CEREMONY As its time for the ceremony and it finally got started, Francine got to the alter and i lowered the music and there stood Andy. Dumb faced. No words. About a minute into it he starts reading his sheets of paper, and continually pauses several times. Sometimes for as long as 20 seconds. He then says to the crowd, My eyes are seeing double. He looks at Francine and says, Youre gonna hate me. Then everything stops and he mumbles, You guys should do the candle thing now. They went and lit their unity candle and came back and while the so called vows were happening he said, Do you Jason take Kate.. and the crowd gasped. He called her the wrong name... what happened next was priceless for the wedding video. He then threw his hands up and looked at the crowd and yelled,Come on people, Im all drugged up here!!!. Are. You. Kidding. ME? He proceeded on making several more (At least five) off the wall jokes. There was nervous laughter from a few guests, after all what were we to do at this point. I was hiding under my dj table. The videographer and the photographer were standing next to me as we were all in disbelief. I have not seen anything quite like this in 15 years and I have done a ton of weddings. I have seen it before though, this is the second wedding that I have worked with Andy on, through no choice of my own and like he did here, he cracked several jokes and made everyone uncomfortable. As soon as his nine minute ceremony was over he literally shot right to the bar where he remained for several hours. I kept walking out to see if he was still there as Jason and Fran waited for an apology, that ultimately never came. In closing, MS is a serious disease and I have lost people in my life from it. To use it as an excuse is just pathetic.(He does in fact have MS as far as I know, but then again...) Just say youre over booked. It happens. No one got a phone call all the way up until he showed up. He claimed he tried to email the bride the day of the wedding? I had no idea email was quicker and more effective than a text or a phone call in todays society. I personally witnessed everything in this article. My point is NEVER USE ANDY ONUFRAK for a wedding or anything else for that matter, and my god have mercy on the souls of Montgomery. As harsh as this all sounds because I know people make mistakes, I have had it with him just joking his way carelessly through what would be the most important day in peoples lives. He intentionally ruined a very important day for two friends of mine and that is not acceptable. If you know someone who is currently booked with Andy, call them NOW and have them re-book someone who actually cares. They will thank you for it later. I honestly cant believe Jason didnt punch him. Hopefully this post is a wake up call. Am I perfect, NOPE. Lots of mistakes here. This isnt about whos better than who, its about a WEDDING and how important the ceremony is to me. I bust my ass to make every detail perfect every time. I make mistakes, but this mess was wrong. Again ... save yourself a lifetime of shit memories by not using this guy. I want to stress that I realize things happen, but this is consistency. Youre welcome. #ReadyAimFire
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:18:43 +0000

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