Okay, I kind of wrote something (keep in mind this is late and I - TopicsExpress


Okay, I kind of wrote something (keep in mind this is late and I really dont want to talk about it, it could be a complete turn off. I started this well over a couple of weeks ago. We dont even have to talk about it, I just want to get this off my chest). To be honest, Ive been kind of a scardy cat of sharing this. Lost confidence, the situation has cooled and I dont want to offend anyone. But, after tonight news, this Charlie Rose interview video with Chris Rock. Felt a nudge to let it go. Heres a different perspective. I realized why I can talk about it; I grew up in a neighborhood area of color. Maybe not the same path, but in the long run (many lifetimes), an equal path. Scroll past the side notes to get to the article, its there, way down : ] ... ^ _ ^ ... 12.1.14 around 1400 (Side note: This is my attempt to cool our color. Born and raised in a color, color situation. There was racial tension, that cant be denied. Racial calm can happen, and we can heal our nation of this nonsense, once and for all. I know I probably should stick to my day job. But, I dont have a day job. Following the advice of an old friend and teammate, from the Golden Coast and someone else close by. I promised myself I would try, to give my experience in a respectful way. My main tool box for this, Is it true, Is it kind, and Is it necessary. Doesnt necessarily mean I will achieve it.) 12.9.14 @ 1353 (Side note #2: Ah ... this is a second attempt to finish a short story about Color in America today. Kind of lost confidence. This is based on my experience, growing up in Southern California, in a multi-colored area, called Santa Ana. My high school, Santa Ana Valley Falcons). 12.14.14 @ 1643 (Third times a charm) (Whatever that means) 12.15.14 @ around, 0835 (#4: No racial, senior color of any color, junior, or any human being. No disrespect intended. We are the ones now easing into the senior class! If anyone needs to get it right, it has to be us, because we are the ones that grew up in color. Personally I refuse to go backwards. Hell ... we all should be at least 20-30 years down the road by now. Hell is for Heros, an old movie with Steve McQueen in 1961. Watched it just recently, good movie for its time. It finally dawned on me what that title meant. I always thought, Heros go to Hell? The light went off, and I realized, for me it meant. This is Hell! And we, and we! ARE THE HEROS! ; ). 12.21.14 @ 0022 (#5: Okay, Im going in : ) The Color of Color By CRAiG ROSSeR your old neighbor : ] ... ^ _ ^ ... The recent events in Ferguson Missouri (among others), left me to think of, what color is color? ... A person of color ... What color is that anyhow? A color of color could be of color. What you talking about? What color is our color? Our Country Color? What color is that, anyhow? ... Well, we know we have ... (thoughts of, be nice Craig, running through my head) ... (Whity or White?) (Not using White Boy, never did like that) I can use whity, whity on one side, and of course I would have to use blacky on the other. Whity on one side, Blacky on the other. And every other color in between! Everyone with any common logic would tell you, we are a Country Color that is certainly not white, and certainly not black. Does it even matter? Obviously we have a strong undercurrent, from black oppression from the past, by white. On one hand, one is embarrassed, and wants to forget about it. The other one, dont want to let it go. In order for us to move on, white needs to remember, and black needs to let go. This should de-polarize our color. We should all know, one second ago ... is long gone. Even if our life depended on it! That one second, we cant get it back. So, our Country entity color is fighting itself for position. What position? To do good or to do bad? Perhaps one color thinks the other color is inferior. Perhaps one color felt it a need to vent, or bully another. Any color, of color if it had any kahoonies ... would be the best color it could be, for the color of our color! The color of color, therefore, is really a color of who we are at anytime, at any moment in history. What about the color of Love? Mutual and equal respect, no bias, no judgment. Peace and prosperity couldnt help but to grow. Like in sports. Playing sports, with people of color (whatever color, that maybe), playing hard to win, and to win together is the ultimate prize. We all could start a new color, the color of a wave to our neighbor, the color wave to the car that drives by your home, the wave of color to the oncoming car, the color wave to the car that you didnt mean to cut off. Wave to the cops! The first responders!!, and especially to the firefighters!!! It works! Ive seen it instantly disarm people from their tough guy looks, to a hey, whats happening look, followed by a head nod. We have no choice, the choice is clear. Are we a color of one color? Or ... do we become a fragmented color of war? If we walk the path of hate, kill, steal, and vandalize. Than we become a color of no respect, a color of fear, a color of death. No law and no order, and no rest. The price is too high, besides being the wrong way. The color of Love is the only way! The color of Power will die! This is our only choice. This is our only hope to survive. What if this is a play, one grand play of life? What if this is like the Matrix and this is our 7th time around, trying to get it right. Maybe its the hundredth time. To get it right. Come on, actor Craig Rosser! Get it together! : ) ... We can all do better, starting today! Go ahead, try it, youll like it the color wave to a neighbor, any neighbor! It works.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 06:53:10 +0000

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