Okay, I know Ive posted some pretty heavy stuff lately so heres a - TopicsExpress


Okay, I know Ive posted some pretty heavy stuff lately so heres a funny one. Me; sitting in my sunroom I can see the dock and water around the dock and I see strange movement. Now, I dont know if you all remember the RIVER RAT ~ NUTRIA freakin story or not. Well, just in case you missed it..I took photos of this CREATURE that literally stood at least a foot high and had a tail that was equally as long and skinny (not a beaver/not a muskrat) BUT a stinkin nasty RAT!! So, I went on the prowel..I searched and searched..I called exterminators..who referred me to the wildlife federation, the game commission, the local dog catchers or the best one The Critter Gitters Oh yes...So, I do have our regularly scheduled exterminators look while they were here spraying for ticks and spiders and anything else they could kill along the way that wasnt a person, family pet or a bird. So, anyway...they killed nothing, the spiders were back the next day, I saw one snake this year, the mosquitos are eating anything alive except, the spiders or snakes or ticks! So, back to the beginning of the story...I see this strange movement in the water right beside of the dock (where these rats have been known to chew wire housing on the boat, truck A/C housing sitting by the garage a good 150 ft away from the dock, Garretts first water trampoline and the slide off of the present trampoline. Okay, so Im still on the lookout for these things. I dont know what Im going to do when I find them ...I may actually swim out to them and grab them by the tail and wrestle them like Crocodile Dundee or something (NOT) But, Ill do something??? I grab my binoculars...I am very, very quiet (like Elmer Fudd) I am hunting RATS not Wabbits...I can only see these little heads in the water, they are so close to the dock I have to go outside (where my binoculars immediately fog up) Im wiping off the lenses and each time I try to look again..those little critters heads go under the dock or behind the boat or to the other side of the dock or somewhere..I CANNOT get a good look at what it is...but, its hanging by the dock..I just know its ready to chew whats left of the water trampoline!!! Good Day!! I finally wipe and wipe the lenses some more to warm them up. And, low an behold...there are 4 of the cutest little baby ducklings you ever saw in your life!! Oh my heavens Gomer Pyle couldnt have said it any better, Surprise, surprise, surprise! LMBO!! I literally did LOL! And, my heart was racing a mile a minute so no workout from my comfy chair tonight. JOKE...smiles, Dari :)
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 23:31:51 +0000

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