Okay, I need some real advice. This goes out to anyone who knows - TopicsExpress


Okay, I need some real advice. This goes out to anyone who knows PA eviction laws... and for the friends and family of Darlene Jackson, mother of my wife. Sit down everybody. Gather around the fire...I got a story to tell. In late July, my wife told me that her mother wanted to come up from Florida to visit us for a week or two. She hasnt been in PA in 15 years, and wanted to see her family. Because she had not seen her mom in years, I was happy to let her come here to visit, hoping only the best would happen. I thought of how my kids would love to meet their Grandma, because she basically never met my youngest child, and my other 2 had been over 10 years since she saw them last. When she arrived, I was a little shocked. She came with a car full of clothes, suitcases...she even had a big tote full of shoes. Carleya and I thought this seems like too much luggage for a short visit, but I thought it was rude to ask her of her true intentions on the first day. So I brought in her stuff, and called it a night. The next day, and for the next two weeks, I doted over her. I cooked meals for her, made coffee, had good conversations about things me and Carleya did as teens...it was just a good time. But at week 3, she was still here. I did not want to be an ass and flat out ask what she was going to do, so I went to Carleya, who for a few days was acting funny about her mom staying here (I blew it off, because I was so eager to be a good son in law in her eyes. Carleya was worried. She was aware of past issues with her mom staying with her other kids...and it never ended up good. When she overstayed her welcome, she would try to pull squatters rights on them in order to stay. I just couldnt believe it, she acted so nice to me. But Carleya told me to stop catering to her, because Darlene would start to expect it. Boy, she was right. I went to Darlene around week 3 asking what her long term plans were. She then told me she had no place to go and had intentions of getting a job up here and...she would like to stay up to 4-5 weeks total to save up for an apt. What was I to say? I only rent, on a month to month lease. It wasnt my place to add a tenant without consulting my land lord. But she to me was still technically a guest. I told her not to mail anything to my home, get a PO box and i could get her a job at my place of business, which she did get hired. So during the next few weeks, my life fell apart little by little. Because we had another mouth to feed (even though she still got food stamps from florida) Food got scarce. I gave this woman my dinners because I got home late every night so she could eat some nights. Then my car broke down and I needed a ride. But when I asked Darlene, she gave me attitude, as if she couldnt believe I had the audacity to even ask her that. Really? Then my grandma died. More things happened that opened my eyes...she showed me her true self: shes selfish and egotistical. Without me knowing, she quit her job. She was at week 7 at this point and had a few paychecks under her belt. I remember being called to security one night. Darlene was there, hitched a ride from strangers. She had went to the gas station and locked her keys in the car. She needed my help to drive her to my house where her spare was. I had to leave work, drive 7 miles each way to do this...all so that she could avoid a towing fee. I did this because i thought she would get in trouble at work and I didnt even know she was already gone. How i finally found out she had no job was: I called off sick and noticed she didnt leave for work. I asked about this, and she said Rob, I feel like Im being interrogated to which I said you are...deal was youd be gone by now, but youre still here. Why arent you going to work? She said the Lord told me to leave that place and I listened. Really? Are you serious? Then things went south fast: - she would disappear all day long. I mean from AM to late PM. No calls, nothing. - she would only use her food stamps to buy diabetic food... nothing any one else would eat. But she still ate our food too. - I had a late cable bill. If not paid by a certain day, it was getting shut off with big restart fees. I asked her for a loan until payday to avoid this, but she said no, Rob. my money has to be used for my down payment of my apt when i find one. Really? - A letter came in my mail for Darlene against my explicit instructions to get a PO Box This pissed me off so bad. I told her she needed to either help us with rent, meaning I would have to reach out to my land lords to ask to add her to the lease) or leave by Oct. 1st (at the time it was mid Sept...waaaay past her welcome). There was a lot of awkward moments the next few days. But we had a good talk one night. And we came to an agreement: No money help, and she could take the saved money and put it on an apt. asap and all I would ask in the meantime..... if we need help, and she was in a position to help, then HELP! - a week later, my car broke down HARD. Now, we have no car to get Carleya or me to work. Time for Darlene to help, right? Wrong. Without gas money, no ride. But you live in my home for free!!! And i know you have gas money... she was even telling us she got another job, but she was not at liberty to say where Really? Weeks of no rides cost us a great deal: carleya and I beg for rides to work, Or i walk and she called off. she nearly lost her job over her mom not helping. Darlene at this point doesnt do anything: she dont talk to her grandkids, she doesnt contribute to the household, she just eats, sleeps and shits in my home, while she watches us walk to work, she also is watching my cable with my electric, using my water and eating my food. I told her to get the hell out of my house. So what does she do? She threatens us with squatters rights, mentions lawyer, police...and still goes anywhere she wants when she wants freely. Carleya and I feel like victims in our own home. There is sooo much more but I damn near typed a story. But its obvious she had contingency plans for us long before she showed up at my doorstep. I need help! What can I do to be rid of her? I cant afford a lawyer. Does anyone know what rights I have? One last thing: to Darlenes family and friends (if she got any): Your mom claims to be a woman of God. She calls herself an evangelist AND a prophetess. But all she is is a leech, a false prophet. This woman makes me understand why people dont believe in God because she uses Him like a con artist would. You can be mad at me if you want or agree with me. Either way, shes getting out of my home, whether legally, forced out, or even if I have to move out and leave her on her ass alone. ALL BECAUSE SHE IS A LAZY ASS GOOD FOR NOTHING USER. Someone reach out to me with help asap!!!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 04:54:23 +0000

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