Okay, I said I was going to wait until my mind was clearer to - TopicsExpress


Okay, I said I was going to wait until my mind was clearer to post, so here goes everything. I am far from a conspiracy theorist...well...maybe not far...but anyway...whenever something like the Mike Brown situation happens, I always think about what else is going on in the world that would warrant a large-scale distraction. Hmmmm. Lets see...It was reported earlier in the day, yesterday, that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel mysteriously resigned with no explanation. The fact that the grand jury had reached a decision was announced in the morning, yet they waited until nighttime (when a riot was inevitable) to make the formal announcement. Now, Im not going to be completely insensitive and suggest that this death - without the accountability of ALL parties at fault - doesnt deserve our attention, but it does make one wonder. This does not excuse the insensitive comments made by the mass of Facebook attorneys that received their degrees from SMU (Social Media University); however, it does give me pause for thought. People grieve differently, so I ask my quick to judge others brothers and sister, What would YOU do? What if your child - and some of you all have some bad ass kids - did something completely stupid like stealing a box of cigars and was shot to death by a cop? What if there was a pattern of these officers shooting teenagers that looked like your sons and daughters and getting away with it? How many of YOUR people would have to die before it completely and utterly pissed you off to the point where you needed to lash out? How would YOU respond to people telling you that it was your sons or daughters fault? Would it make a difference to YOU what your child did or would you simply want justice? Now, Im not condoning Michael Browns actions. Im not condoning looting, stealing, and destroying a business that someone worked hard to build. All Im saying is before you step on my feet, slip on my Fila boots (that were on sale for $26 at Burlington), and walk a mile - or however far your fast food feasting body mass can take you - in my shoes. To my melanin deficient brothers and sisters, The first thing I think you should do is STOP thinking that black people are blaming EACH of you personally for the BS. I think in your effort to distance yourselves from this imaginary guilt you think were trying to somehow make you feel, you come off insensitive to the issues we face and that just exacerbates the problem. Now, dont get it twisted black folks shoulder a GREAT deal of the blame for the problems that exist in our communities, but using our issues against us in an effort to justify injustice (especially when tempers are still running high) is akin to blaming a woman who was raped for wearing a short skirt and flirting. Should Michael Brown have been arrested for stealing...hell yeah! Should he have DIED for that...I dont think so. I know there are those that will say he brought that shit on himself, BUT think about the dumb shit weve all done as kids and consider having to pay for those stupid and irresponsible actions with our lives.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:55:29 +0000

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