Okay, I skipped to another chapter in the book for this scene. I - TopicsExpress


Okay, I skipped to another chapter in the book for this scene. I know, unless weve discussed what the books about outside of FB, it can be a bit confusing, but Im really looking to see if Im keeping it interesting and mentally visual...So, heres one from Chapter 6..see what ya think. Lauren felt as though her skin would melt from her body when, suddenly, the once human creatures stopped. She couldn’t open her eyes. It was almost over. Her body would soon turn to ash and her spirit would join the many others in the true light who had gone before her. “Lauren, look at me.” She heard the sweetest voice but felt none of the goodness that usually moved over her when Abel spoke. He sounded like the Good Sons, but her heart told her there was no good in this being. There was no peace. In that moment, she knew this would be the last voice she would hear. With one last prayer to the Creator for strength, she opened her eyes. And, before her stood a beautiful being with long flowing ebony hair. For a split second, she thought he must surely be a Good Son, but the despair and anguish of a millennium washed over her, and she knew he was not. His body was a hard mass of muscle moving beneath his black leather vest. Lauren stared at his perfectly chiseled face for a moment before she realized his onyx eyes were staring back at her, as he moved to give orders to the possessed mortals surrounding her. He carried himself like a king as surely as this being must believe he his, but there is only one king. All others are false. They will fall at the knees of the Great Spirit and diminish. “Lauren, I know your life. I have watched you as closely as the being you pray to every night.” The creature moved closer but spoke on imposingly. “I have watched you be mistreated by many, over and over, with no one protecting you, not even your Creator. Or, should I say our Creator. Where do you think I came from, Lauren? You heard the sound of my voice. Though I know longer carry the light, I once bathed in it at the side of our Creator.” Something that resembled regret passed across his face before he continued speaking. “I was a Son that guarded the humans once. But, I found myself loving the beauty of mortal women more than I was allowed. This love for that supple flesh resulted in my being cast from the light into darkness. There are many of us fallen Sons, but only a few of us feel that destroying the earth is not beneficial.” “Tell me your name, Demon, so that I may know who sends me to the Creator.” Lauren moved further against the steaming, blood covered walls. “ I deserve to know why I am here, and why I’m still living. Or, why I’m not one of your rotting corpses running around town stealing the living so your minions can take over them.” The large, handsome form moved closer to Lauren, causing her to instinctively retreat even more. Though he had not threatened her thus far, this creature projected an aura of darkness and despair. “I am Achrymos, and I mean you no harm. I have been searching for you and your daughter for many months. I have a room far from these noxious places where you may rest, bathe, eat, and change into something less offensive to the senses. My servant will lead you to your quarters. And Lauren, if you run, they will take your body and eat your soul just to know life once more. I will see you at dinner.” Lauren could not make sense of this thing that had saved her. There was no denying that he was as handsome as any so-called God should be, but he exuded evil the likes Lauren had never felt. Achrymos was a dangerous fallen and he could very well kill her at any moment. She allowed the servant to remove her from the dregs of their pits as quickly as the deformed and rotting woman could move. Lauren couldn’t help wandering how long ago it might have been that this woman was still strong and beautiful. Before she realized the smell of sulfur and death had completely disappeared, she noticed the coolness beginning to fill the caves. She had gotten enough out of the servant to know she was once Agnes, but now Asterna, a demon of sloth. The thing was certainly in need of a new body, and Lauren’s athletic form was gorgeous. As soon as they reached her room, she politely dismissed Asterna with the excuse that she was exhausted. Lauren looked around and knew she’d gotten herself right into the pit of the Devil’s lair. She prayed to the Creator silently, “I will follow where this takes me, until I can find a way to stop it. And, every chance I get, I will look for a way to get back to Abel. For now, I ask you to be with me here and protect my soul from anything these evil beings might do to break me. I am your soldier. They cannot take my faith from me. They make take my dignity, pride, humanity, and body, but I will still have faith that Heaven is but death away. The rest is making it and finding a way to destroy Achrymos.” The room must have been only 40 steps above the tunnels of Hell. She surely must be in his castle. Lauren decided to file that away. It was gorgeous. Slightly Phantom of the Opera, but nice. There were clothes her size on the bed which confused her. Achrymos must have had his ghouls following her. That could be the only explanation of how they had found her. Lauren was protected by Cain, Abel and the Sons while she had been in the valley of Salvation. She had separated from Linda and the others a few days earlier to cover more ground. It was her hope that the group had made it safely to the valley and the Sons. She stopped the thoughts that they might not have before the fear could overcome her and began looking around. There was a blue vest and black pants made of soft leather on the plush red velvet bed covers. In the corner of the room, steam rose from a giant porcelain tub supported by shining brass clawed feet. She almost squealed with delight. It had been too long since she’d had a real hot bath. Unable to resist, Lauren shed her filthy worn leather garments and sank into the water, letting the moist heat penetrate her tired muscles. With a sigh of satisfaction, Lauren washed her hair and massaged the soap along her bronzed limbs and body. She noticed many new bruises from her capture. It had been quick but violent. There were so many of them all at once. Lauren had barely smelled the stench of their rotting bodies before she was surrounded. It had been a trap, and she hadn’t seen it. She slapped the water, angry at herself. If the others had been with her, they would be dead now. They were all out there running for their lives, and she was getting a taste of luxury that her people had not known for months.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 06:04:56 +0000

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