Okay I was just about to go back down to work when the door bell - TopicsExpress


Okay I was just about to go back down to work when the door bell rang and my wife answered the door to 2 extremely pushy salesmen, working for some dodgy electricity company, red something or another. I am mentioning this cos if you are in the Sutherland region and these door to door salesmen approach you, dont answer your door to them. If my wife had of been on her own, they would have not only shamefully tried to sell her something she didnt want but in my opinion would have done anything to con her into buying something she didnt want. Door to door salesmen they might be but these two have just received the biggest shock of their lives:) So the story goes, after answering the door bell, they gave her a barage of shit sales talk, and pushy over selling of their product. Unbeknown to them, I was sitting listening and when she asked them to leave, they continued to claim they needed to see her electric bill. The cheek of them, telling her she needed to go and show them her electricity bill. I think they thought she was on her own, but having walked past a big black car with Real Commando written all over it, maybe they should have paid more attention before attempting to forcefully sell their crap to my wife. So as the fools then continued their pushy tactics I am glad to say their faces changed somewhat as I walked out into the hall, and with my usual polite PC Commando style tactics, escorted them from my premises. Not only wont they be visiting our house again, but think they might think twice about doing the same shit again. Maybe not, but thought you may want to know, so if you do get a visit from these two gentlemen (I use the word politely) please be aware they are full of shit and will try to sell shit to you, even though you dont want it:) Aaaarghhh. Rant over
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 04:42:39 +0000

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