Okay, Im an atheist, well, technically an agnostic, but whenever - TopicsExpress


Okay, Im an atheist, well, technically an agnostic, but whenever the subject of God, faith, or religion arises, I vehemently attack every & any thing said in behalf of it... so I guess at heart I am an atheist. There is no God! Period! As for the origins of life & the universe it all came down like this: There was this tiny little speck of dust... so small you couldnt even see it, but it held the mass of the entire universe within it. I know... its hard to believe... but I know what Im talking about even though it happened billions of years ago & I wasnt even there. Where did that speck come from? Hmmm... I dont know... I just know it was there. I think it came outta nowhere... it was nothing & then it suddenly became something. I know this is contrary to the laws of physics... but like I said... I KNOW THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENED!!! There, I put everything in caps & used several exclamation points... so you know Im right! Anyway, for no apparent reason the speck that came outta nowhere exploded & it sent out all the matter of the universe in every direction. And then one day, again, for no apparent reason, life just popped out of a rock... and through the process of evolution human beings were eventually formed. See how simple that is? You may ask me: Well, arent we held accountable for the things we do? Accountability? Whats that? Theres no such thing as accountability... if it feels good then do it. If that happens to include immoral activities, dont worry about it... it makes you happy... right? So go for it! If that happens to include illegal activities, like raping & murdering children, just make sure you dont get caught! Do not be taken in by those deluded God-fearing people! Your own happiness is more important than anything. As long as you dont get caught you can live a long life, full of luxury, and you will never have to answer for your devious deeds. If you see a stranger in a dangerous situation, dont be a fool & risk your life! Why should you sacrifice your life for a complete stranger? Those who do these kinds of things are an aberration to natural selection & survival of the fittest. They give their life for nothing while the complete stranger they died for gets to go on living! Whether you do good or whether you do wrong... makes no difference whatsoever, because, in the end, we all go to the same place... six feet under the earth. Never mind that nearly everyone else on earth believes differently... and some of those people include some of the greatest minds on earth... they are all deluded. As for man, he is just a product of evolution... no different than any other creature... well, I take that back... he is a little more advanced than other creatures, but a product of evolution nonetheless. Granted, man can fashion all kinds of tools, cars to ride in, trucks to haul things, backhoes & bulldozers to move massive amounts of material, build roads & bridges, cultivate crops, raise livestock, build airplanes to fly & huge ships to sail the oceans, he has made nuclear powered submarines that can dive to great depths & stay under water for extended periods of time, he has split & fused atomic particles, he can take the liver outta one guy & put it into another, he has constructed buildings that reach into the clouds, he has built spaceships that can sustain life in outer space for extended periods of time, he has gone to the moon & successfully landed on Mars, he has sent probes to the outer reaches of our solar system, he has harnessed & exploited every natural resource on earth, he has overfished the worlds oceans, he creates great works of poetry, music, painting, literature, philosophy, & sculptures, he can create nearly anything he can imagine!... Yet he is no different than any other creature... still merely a product of evolution! Now, you must believe what Im saying... I am pansophistic! Surely, this is easier to believe than to believe in a God! :)
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 10:09:55 +0000

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