Okay.... Im doing this. Im making my stand for something I believe - TopicsExpress


Okay.... Im doing this. Im making my stand for something I believe in. I really value the friends I have here on FB and I accept and support people who have lifestyles, religious beliefs, and interests that are outside of what I personally choose for my life. Starting tomorrow morning when I see people saying F%ck the Police, or pushing an agenda of hate towards law enforcement I am going to unfriend. Most people wont care, for those of you who do I am truly truly sorry. You are hating a group of people when the truth is a very very small minority of people are actually doing the things you are complaining about. This isnt about Ferguson, none of us know what happened there and Im not basing this on those events. I have an awful lot of police officers who are my friends and I dont know one who fits the mold of the crap Ive been seeing in my feed. Ive seen them working for almost 25 years and so many times Ive found myself in awe of what they do. I was there when a sheriffs deputy was gunned down by a crazy person, I was at the scene the night a truly great guy and a great police officer was ambushed and murdered. Im standing up for those guys and saying no more. I encourage my friends to make your own posts and do the same. Stop hating, its just enough. Stop.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 03:40:16 +0000

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