Okay, Im going to explain what is really going on with the - TopicsExpress


Okay, Im going to explain what is really going on with the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). No one has to be told that the cost of Healthcare has skyrocketed in the last few decades. So much so that many people who once had Health Insurance were forced to give up their Insurance; including Company Paid Benefits. As a result of the constantly increasing rates for Health Insurance; even those who could afford it opted to not get it. What this caused was Hospitals and Health Care Professionals getting stuck with covering the cost of treating the Uninsured; which in turn drove the cost of Healthcare even higher across the board. So when Insurance Companies began to lose clients and revenue one company here in California (Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield) developed a bargain basement policy that sold like hotcakes because it was so cheap. That prompted Blue Cross/Blue Shield Nationwide to start selling that same policy. Soon afterward other insurance companies began selling similar policies. These policies only paid a very minimal amount and carried huge deductibles. To make matters worse; these companies denied almost every claim. They only paid the claims after being forced to in a Court of Law. These litigation costs were passed on to the consumer in the form of higher rates for insurance that failed to provide hardly any coverage; but they were still the cheapest policies on the market. When Obamacare kicked in; these same policies were so gutted as far as what they actually covered that they were not covered under Obamacare; thus wholesale cancellations occurred. It is obvious that NO ONE in either the Congress nor the White House knew how many of these junk policies had been sold to unsuspecting people. So, when so many people lost their coverage the Administration had to scramble to fix the problem. A problem that was caused by the Insurance Companies; not Obamacare. Now, about all of these attacks on Obamacare; most are funded and perpetuated by the Koch Brothers. They not only fund people like Karl Rove and others; they have formed no less than a Dozen or more Political Action Groups. The reason why there are so many of these groups is simply to give the appearance of many different groups opposed to Obamacare. The truth is; all of these groups get the majority of their funding from the Koch Brothers. The sad thing about ALL OF THIS is that its NOT ABOUT OBAMACARE at all. Its about one thing; since 2009 when Obama took office, America has gained tremendous ground in protecting the environment. As a result of the BP oil spill in the Gulf, along with a number of Pipeline disasters around the country; a number of new stronger regulations have been put into place. This cost the Koch Brothers several Pipeline contracts because they could not give assurances that their pipelines would not fail because of substandard instillation. (a trademark of their pipeline construction). They are pushing for smaller Government; which means ZERO Regulatory Agencies. Think about that for a moment; NO PROTECTIONS FOR ANYONE BUT THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD TO BUY PROTECTION. A perfect example of what I am saying is the Battle of Blair Mountain; if youve never heard of it, look it up. (it is the REAL origin of the term Redneck, that has nothing to do with rowdy people). Another thing the Koch Brothers want to go away is the protests over Fracked Oil and gas; a process invented by their father. They hold the Patent, and Trademark for the process. So, for every drop of oil and gas extracted by this process; they get ROYALTIES. This little known fact explains why they are also spending Millions to counter the growing protests to fracking. So at the end of the day; all of this is about the Koch Brothers spending Millions to make Billions through unregulated commerce.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:06:38 +0000

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