Okay Im going to rant about my awful day, I know no one cares 😂 - TopicsExpress


Okay Im going to rant about my awful day, I know no one cares 😂 but everyone was asking me why I was crying so here; So today I got called in a room that I dont even have a class in and of course I saw all of my teachers sitting in a line with my guidance counselor (who I didnt know until today) and a chair in front of them. (For me). This teacher who totally hates my guts was like go in... And I didnt want to 😂 but she kinda made me and they were like sit down. And so I did. First thing my Guidance counselor asks me is Do you like this years classes? (Im thinking oh, theyre just helping me with my schedule for next year) I was like yes! I love my classes! And of course, she goes, Enough to take them again next year? EXCUSE ME. E X C U S E . M E . My grades arent even that bad. Like at all. They were just so much better in the beginning. Then one by one my teachers told me complaints about me 😂😂😂 Even a teacher who I dont even have made comments. (Its not their fault at all, I am loud in class sometimes..) But my favorite teacher stood up for me lol she said Im smart😂 Anyways, after 15 minutes, I couldnt really take it. Like I broke after a teacher said You have to gain our respect back, and its going to be tough And You always have an excuse when you forget your homework Or something like that I never forget it tho 😂 I might lose it every once in a while but I always do it. I started crying, not like crying, but tears were RUNNING down my face. But my problem is, I dont know why they called me in, what I did, anything. I guess theyre just mad at me for forgetting homework, or like.. I dont know. I really dont know what I did. I didnt get in trouble for anything recently, or anything. I just think with all my talking, absences, forgotten work, etc, they just got kinda pissed off. But yeah, I was tearing up. So they let me leave, and I went back and my math teacher felt bad and everyone was looking at me. 😂 my eyes didnt stop running for 10 minutes. I just wish I knew why they called me in like that.. They did it to my friend too. So yeah, my day was horrible
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:44:13 +0000

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