Okay Im just going to say this... Ferguson, Mo: No one is truly - TopicsExpress


Okay Im just going to say this... Ferguson, Mo: No one is truly ever unarmed. You dont need a firearm to kill someone or even make someone fear for their life. Ive heard criticism all week long about how many times Michael Brown was shot. Im sorry but if Im in fear for my life Im going to unload on you. That means empty my gun. Whether that is 6 rounds or 75. This is not Hollywood. Things dont happen in slow motion. We can sensationalize this issue and make it seem like it was a hate crime but the truth is that kind of assumption is uneducated propaganda. What do we know? Mike Brown robbed a store. The video shows him shoving a store owner while stealing. Truth be told if that man had shot Mike Brown this would not be happening! It would be a closed case. He charged at the store owner so is it really that hard to believe he would buck up to an officer? How is the video released damning to his character when in fact he did rob a store?? Its not like it happened 6 years ago and they released it. It had JUST happened. You know whose character has really come under fire?? The officer. Who has no history whatsoever of abuse of power or racism. Yet this story has quickly escalated into a race war. Statistics show that black on black crime and white on white crime is significantly higher than race on race crime. In fact in St.Louis and the surrounding areas the most killed race by police is Caucasian. The very mentioning of how many white cops there are to black people in that community makes no sense to me unless you can prove that black applicants were increasingly turned down for jobs more than Caucasian or other races. Residents have said they have no faith In their police department. Are these moms and dads teaching their kids to be the change and become officers? To create a better neighborhood one must be proactive, take initiative, and step out of the circumstances they were born into. Some will argue this is all they know. But at what point does the responsibility shift? Leading our young men and women to believe that this is it for them is actually robbing them of a bright future. To get respect you have to earn it. You cant break the law and then complain about the law. You cannot omit responsibility and scream, But Im ________ ( insert age, race, or gender)! I digress.... The truth of what happened during those tragic moments are ones that we cannot repaint or recapture. Yes we can try.. We can argue over eyewitness accounts and if they support the evidence. We can shout at each other and argue over and over but at the end of the day there is one person dead and an officer whose reputable career has been put under a microscope. His life is also changed forever. My prayers are with the residents of this town, with the small business owners who have busted their ass and have been looted against, and for the families involved in this. We have family that live in this area. Actually 5 minutes for where this happened. There has been staunch criticism against the type of military style policing that is there but I can tell you this.. If you wage war against a city you will get a warlike atmosphere in return. I thank the brave men and women protecting the ones we love from the harm that is knocking at their door. And I also thank my husband Lars Silhu for protecting and serving even when it seems like all youre doing is defending and sacrificing. Our babies are watching and you are the light and the example of what everyone should aspire to be.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 04:09:21 +0000

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