Okay...Im just gonna throw this out there. And Its not to be - TopicsExpress


Okay...Im just gonna throw this out there. And Its not to be mean, just honest. The ignorant message I just got via inbox talking about my relationship with my daughters father made me very disgusted. Keep your nose where it belongs. Which is on your face. Stop sniffing around for things going on in my life so you can run along with the peanut gallery of gossipers and turn a situation into something its not. I hate having to make statuses about my life or my PERSONAL relationships, but given the questions, Ill give you the answers and the facts are this... 1] its not your business and if I dont come to you seeking advice, then I didnt and/or do not want you apart of it! 2] Frank and I love each other very VERY much. Regardless of the issues or actual problems that every single relationship may have had or even still have- the love for each other never faded away, and most likely never will. We have a beautiful baby together and that will always keep us communicating. 3] We never stopped loving each other. Never stopped speaking. And we still, to this day, never stopped trying. And we wont. 4] Frank and I are a team. We have always been best friends. Always looked out for each other. And always did things the way a FAMILY does them. Do we bicker? Yes! Do we sometimes want to kill one another? Absolutely! At least we can be honest about it. And last but not least...Number 5] its not your business. I understand people will talk, gossip, and try to fester up little stories to make themselves look interesting in a group of people because really they have nothing of intelligence to talk about. Nobody really likes to take a look at themselves, or their faults, or their issues in their own relationships. Trust me I get it. And Im not mad. I am however extremely disgusted with the pure ignorance of how some people can just go around acting as if they are perfect or as if their relationship is perfect. Or even.....that their life is perfect. Nobody is perfect. Everyone has problems. Instead of looking at the people trying to BETTER themselves, look at why it bothers you soo much that we, as a team, as parents, and as best friends- are trying to better OURSELVES. Thanks for letting me share. PS: small minds discuss people!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 17:18:53 +0000

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