Okay, Im not one to point out Biblical symbolism or anything like - TopicsExpress


Okay, Im not one to point out Biblical symbolism or anything like that, because, well, I think people read way too much into it, and misconstrue some things. As well as, the Bible was written in an arcane, dead language, and has been translated by MAN over and over again to the point of no return. (Kinda like lining up a bunch of kids and playing that game telephone, the message the first kid gets is never the message the last kid gets)... but I will admit this one thing. I was replying to a friend about a quote in the book of Acts - The sun will turn to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. So I am looking up occurances of the blood moon (which is a tetrad of total lunar eclipses... meaning 4 in a row without partials in between). This is what I found. Interesting indeed. Draw your own conclusions from it. Both the blood moons have occurred on Jewish holidays this year (Aprils on Passover, the one this morning on The Feast of the Tabernacles. And that the upcoming 2015 blood moons will be on Passover and The Feast of Succoth (also Jewish holidays, of course). Both the blood moons next year occur 2 weeks after total solar eclipses. (The solar eclipses also occur on Jewish holidays). I am not sure if the prior occurrences of tetrads have occurred with solar eclipses. The last occurring of a tetrad was 1967-1968, on dates important to the recapture of Jerusalem by Israel. Before that 1949-1950, related to Israel becoming a nation. Before this time, the last occurrence was 1493-1494, related to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. Since 1 AD, a Biblical tetrad has occurred on these holy days a total of 7 times. In 2014-2015, it will be the 8th time. It wont occur again for another 500 years. So all in all, maybe it is a sign. Maybe it wont happen until the next one in 500 years. But it looks to me like the Jewish are being favored here in the signs. Now I know, because I choose to post this I will probably get a million and one messages and comments wanting to argue religion or religious beliefs, a subject that usually ends up costing me friends in the end. I just found this an interesting piece of information, that I chose to share with you all. Warning - If you choose to try to argue religion with me, I know the Bible very well, I dont back down, and I follow beliefs that most do not understand or misconstrue as evil, so I will probably frustrate the heck out of you.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 03:19:56 +0000

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