Okay, Im playing a game and my sister assigned me a number, which - TopicsExpress


Okay, Im playing a game and my sister assigned me a number, which is 15, so now I have to tell you 15 things about myself that you might not know... So here goes! (If you like this post I will give you a number to do the same thing on your status!) 1. I was an extra in the movie The Silence of the Lambs. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life! I met Jodi Foster, Anthony Hopkins, James Woods and Jonathan Demme, and the casting director told me never to change my name (Lolly Winne). :) 2. I almost died 3 different times throughout my life, and my sister, Suzette Vreeland, saved my life two of those times. 3. One of the times I almost died, was from an undetected ectopic pregnancy. My fallopian tube ruptured and I was bleeding internally. I lost a quart of blood, was going into shock and had to have emergency surgery. 4. I went on a ghost hunting retreat with Jason, Grant, Steve and Tango from the show Ghost Hunters at the Rolling Hills Sanatorium in Batavia, NY. One of the mornings I was there, Jason took the keys to my car, drove me to Dennys, and bought me breakfast. It was awesome! :) 5. All my life growing up, I always wanted to be an actress. 6. One of the items on my bucket list is too one day own a bunch of land and start a dog rescue organization. All of the dogs on death row in shelters can come to me so I can love them and find their forever homes. :) 7. I am the youngest of 6 kids and our wonderful parents are still together! :) 8. Im going on a 12 day cruise to Italy, Turkey and Greece with a dear friend in 5 days!!! 9. Several years back, I used to manage a band and also promoted several indy artists. I also worked for a music entertainment website for a short time called USGigTV. They had me interview some famous musicians, but the coolest one I got to interview was Sebastian Bach from Skid Row. After the interview we were given really good seats to see him perform as Jekyll and Hyde in the Broadway musical Jekyll & Hyde. He was great! :) 10. When I was 17, I climbed a tree, fell out of it, and landed on a small stump. I fractured my tailbone, and to this day it still hurts when I sit for long periods of time. 11. Im double jointed in my hands and fingers. This allows me to bend my fingers all the way back so they touch the back of my wrist. Its always fun to gross people out with that! :P I also hyperextend my knees when I stand. Ive stood this way for so long over the years that I basically have no ligaments in my knees anymore. I was also pigeon toed when I was little and had to wear braces on my feet to correct it. I dont know if its at all related, but I have fallen arches and Achilles tendonitis in my feet now, so its extremely painful to walk every day. I have to do stretches in the morning and at night before bed to help manage the pain. 12. At one time in my life I considered joining the Air Force because I wanted to fly jets. Ive always have an incredible fascination with fighter jets and LOVE going to air shows! 13. I would love to be a plus size model, but unfortunately Im too short. (Im only 52.) 14. Thanks to my dad, I LOVE liverwurst! (But I hate liver!) 15. I have a huge crush on my boss... And no, he doesnt know it. (Sssshhhhh!!!) LOL :-P
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 18:13:17 +0000

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