Okay, Ive held this in long enough and today was just the icing on - TopicsExpress


Okay, Ive held this in long enough and today was just the icing on the cake. Were ALL moms, none of us better than the other and no one is doing it wrong. We all do what works for our family and no one should judge the other for doing things differently. With that being said I am tremendously tired of being called an overachiever, being the mom that does too much or even being the mom that goes to all the school functions. Yes, I am BEYOND lucky to have a job that allows me to take time off to be at school events and go on field trips. I am well aware and very thankful; I dont need you making backhanded comments about it. As parents we do what we know, whatever our parents did with us we tend to do with our own children. With that being said, I grew up in a household where my mom was/is very crafty, so for me things like that come very easily. Doing cute little teachers gifts, fun birthdays and many other things is MY NORMAL. That is how I grew up, I don’t know any different. So to be rude and make nasty comments because that’s not your normal is just mean. This mom bashing stuff is such crap and needs to stop, no one is better than anyone else. Whether you do Elf on the shelf or not, attend class parties, work full time, throw big birthday parties, feed your kids organically or feed them fast food, volunteer at school, put your kids to bed early or late, travel a lot or not at all. You’re doing what is BEST for YOUR family. Being a mom is hard work, exhausting at times and can be thankless. We as moms shouldn’t be tearing each other down because of the different ways we parent. Yes I am a young mom believe me I’m very well aware of it and even more aware of it when older moms talk down to me as if I have no idea what I’m doing, that in itself is extremely offensive and rude. I know what I’m doing, my kids are happy, healthy little boys and if that’s no evidence enough, I’m sorry I don’t meet your unrealistic age requirement to be a good parents. I recently experienced an unexpected death in my family that shook us all to the core, reminding us all that life is too short to be taken for granted and to be anything less that happy. With that being said, if I post a photo or status and you feel the need to post or better yet even think something nasty, mean or rude, do me a favor, don’t post your nasty comment because you don’t like what I’ve posted, do us both a favor and DELETE ME. Life is too short and I’ve worked real hard to surround myself with great positive people and wonderful friends, I don’t need your negativity. We should be helping each other as parents, not tearing each other down. Sincerely, One very fed up MOM.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 13:26:06 +0000

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