Okay Ladies and Gentlemen....lets go back in the time of CIA - TopicsExpress


Okay Ladies and Gentlemen....lets go back in the time of CIA Saddam Hussein....We had him the whole entire time, cause he also like Osama Bin Laden was CIA....Saddam was brought to trial and justice served by hanging....My question? Why the hell wasnt Osama Bin Laden brought to trial and justice served in a court room as Saddam was, if he was truly guilty of the 9/11 attack, instead of doing a Fruad Hoax Op (in which killed Our Own American Navy Seals Extortion 17) and supposedly throw his dead body in the sea!!!???? Come on....From what I have researched, I have come to believe Osama Bin Laden die from Several Health Problems and was already dead or died shortly after the 9/11 took place. Its also been proven the photos of Bin Laden dead in the arms of a soldier were photo shopped from Black Hawk Down Movie photos, so , My conclusion of 9/11....was to blame CIA Osama Bin Laden for a Government planned Demolition project on the Trade Center. Yes I believe planes or at least one plane hit the towers, but bombs exploded and melted the towers to the grown killing so many Americans....Our own people killed by Our own government!!! If you disagree with me....just research it....and give me proof otherwise. :) youtu.be/nQk9HnL2e64 youtu.be/y0i1o5uCSJk youtu.be/QXB6_pXf44Y youtu.be/GcstJBy9Ut8 youtu.be/x-7m6t038PY youtu.be/YMY3AR2jCkM
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 21:21:58 +0000

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