Okay Neal Skoy and Jessica Lauer-Schumacher, here you go: 1. I am - TopicsExpress


Okay Neal Skoy and Jessica Lauer-Schumacher, here you go: 1. I am a huge Civil War buff. I went out to Gettysburg (site of the biggest battle to ever take place on North American soil) this year on the 150th anniversary. 2. I get one tattoo every year (5 so far). I have them planned out for at least the next 35 years. 3. I have an irrational fear that as much as everyone loved my character Gabriel the Plague Doctor this past year out at Fest, Im going to make everyone dislike him during the non-Fest season after getting to know the man under the mask. 4. I have spent oodles of time Google Earth, plotting out thousands of miles of trail routes I want to hike and mountains I want to climb. 5. I am a serious collector, with over 70 different types of collections. I subsequently also have a serious spending problem. 6. I enjoy art and crafting above all other things. This includes sewing and jewelrymaking. 7. I was captain of the fencing team at my college for two years. 8. My dream job would be a taxidermist. 9. I have held my breath for 2 minutes and 20 seconds, swam 6 miles in an afternoon and ran a complete marathon without stopping or walking. Not all at once though. 10. I became depressed and suicidal 6 years ago. This experience shaped who I am more than any other event in my life, and continues to affect my daily life. 11. My favorite physical activity is parkour. Ive been doing it for 8 years now. 12. I am fluent in 3 languages, and want to be fluent in 5 by the time Im 30. I work as a medical interpreter. 13. I want to live in Australia someday. Ive been there before, as well as New Zealand, where I got to go to the Shire. Im the biggest Lord of the Rings fan youve ever met. Yes, thats a challenge.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:09:14 +0000

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