Okay, Okay. If you can cope with it... Chapter 2 Evolution of a - TopicsExpress


Okay, Okay. If you can cope with it... Chapter 2 Evolution of a R3v314710n. CH 2 Ahh, you are back for more? Well gather closely and I shall continue my tale of self discovery and growth in the wonderful world of Lurida, or more accurately.. me drivelling on about the changes to my deck, Enjoy!!! So a very quick recap. Shiny deck in hand, check. Love of all things Horsemajig, check. A misplaced confidence in the cards I had picked, check. Time to unleash the Apocalypse on my fellow spoils players! Or so the thinking went and as I mentioned at the end of my last missive games were played and games were lost (okay okay not all games, two were won, which is a start, right?). Evolution is a curious force if you think about it, natures way of changing small things to over come flaws in the original in dealing with the environment that it finds itself in, so with this rational, getting a beating isnt a bad thing, as long as it leads to changes. Of course that only works as long as it leads to the right changes and that does rather mean that you have to understand the lesson of the defeat (can you see where this is going?). The first couple of games seemed to go well, the Makers produced the blocking effect I was after the Ponies were doing their thing and Stuttershy was used as the explosive delivery system that was envisaged. Meaning that I managed to out aggro the Warlord deck I was playing against and all seemed fine and dandy. The next game didnt work so well, the Warlords rushed me, with a lot of smaller but effective creatures, the Ponies decided to stay in the stable and the resources, even with the help of an Engineer stayed resolutely in the deck. Very quickly I lost momentum and was crushed. However one for one was okay in my book, I really didnt notice the underlying flaws in the build and happily trotted them out against two different Arcanist decks (one mono and one dual trade with the Rouges)... and promptly cried. With their combination of tactics, items and characters that can force you to discard your hand or allow them to draw, tied to the covert abilities of certain characters, namely Kinky Asp, Monstrous Lassitude and Lugbrian Poacher, my deck quickly fell apart. This was due to a number of reasons, all of which were lessons to learn, so what lesson did I take away from this? Simple... I hate Covert!!! With this in mind things were changed; 14 x Elitism, 4 x each Horsemajig (including Stuttershy), 3 x Pwny Bomb, 4 x Industrious usage (not that I hate mittens), 3 x Micromajig Shipping Container, 4 x Micromajig Maker, 4 x 5N4P, 4 x Securitymajig, 3 x Contriving Engineer, 3 x Jacques Trap, 3 x Subversion Matrix, 3 x Its a Trap, 3 x Exploding Sock Puppet, 3 x Unrelenting Ridicule, 1 x Runic Cannon The thinking was simple, after the speed at which those covert persons who had been born out of wedlock had taken my deck apart, things needed to be put in place to stop them. I could afford to lose the odd item and tactic here and there to ensure that I had three more ways of making those purple male offspring of a female K9 didnt ruin my day. Thus with happy Glee one Runic Cannon was discarded, who needs two any way right? Losing one of the Jacquess Traps wasnt a hard thing to do, as I had not really used them and so thought the loss would not really be felt. The Pwny Bomb was the only choice that may seem a little radical considering the theme of the deck, however it was lose the chance to do 7 damage, or the chance to make a majig (with Industrious Usage) and destroy an item.. so I blithely threw one of the friendship is tragic cards to the scrap heap of my ambition. So happy in my changes, and with a smug idea, or so I thought, of lessons learned. R3v314710n5 1.2 was rolled out. Of course, as it will be clear to those reading this, the wrong lesson had been learned and nature in its cruel inevitable way had led me down an evolutionary cul de sac akin to the one that gave birth to the platypus! Like the humble platypi I was happily mooching along failing to notice the rather glaring errors in my evolutionary choices. Yes you have guessed it, with a couple of wins under its belt but a resounding 5 defeats I was starting to get disillusioned with the ponies. So with a heavy heart, and a couple of brutal conversations with friends I was left to consider the fate of the deck, would it be put out to pasture, sent to the knackers yard, or could it be rebooted into something suitable for the apocalypse? Tune in next time to find the answer to that most awesome of cliff hangers (knowing full well that considering there is another chapter then I didnt put it out to pasture).
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:24:18 +0000

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