Okay People so New laws have been created to try & control bikies - TopicsExpress


Okay People so New laws have been created to try & control bikies even though the actual Law that was passed is so broad it can be used against everyone & anyone. These laws they have created have actually been around for some time, they come straight from Martial Laws. These laws consist of Confiscation of Vehicles, Detaining a Person for 24hrs without reason, Containing someone to their own home for a prolonged period of time, No groups of people with same colours or its a minimum 15 year sentence (Sorry Break Dance, BMX crews etc), Confiscation of property, The right to control & arrest all persons who may apose or cause threat to officers (Protest, Activist etc) These are just the inforced Laws & a fraction of the Laws in Martial Law. Most people are realising with the recent bikie crack down it is getting worse, more laws are being created to try & Contain & Control Human beings! It doesnt matter if your a bikie, this is just an excuse for them to have more control over us before things get really bad. They have started it now, why do they only bring out apparent footage of Men bashing each other and claim they are bikies? They want you to believe these Laws are Reasonable! Its just another step towards the New world Order. The One Government. Not enough proof? Well, as of last week Police have been given permission to take fire arms home as well as Protective Clothing. Now this gets abit complicated. Due to the bikie crack down, Police would have to be morons not to be fearing for their lives right now. They know there is going to be back lash, there already is! (Theyve even inforced jails to dress Bikies in pink jail clothing in an attempt to humiliate them after recent threats had been made.) So genuine Police Officers (Good people, not Cops that abuse their power) bringing wepons home to defend themselves & their families would be understandable, Except only the small minority of police are good people. The majority of police these days are Criminals. They are use to being able to break the rules, they are aloud to run red lights, speed, barge into peoples homes, subdue them, interrogate them, hold them prisoner, shoot people, hurt people. They also have massive privilages over us, they get 50% discount or more on food, they are able to get away with things we would be locked up for Like Police Abuse or Drug trafficking, they get away with these things just because they are police officers. They abuse their power of athourity by bashing, raping, abusing or using people! You Might as well give a repeat offender a gun & send them on their way! There was no good option for us in this, they new what they were doing & they did it right under our noses & announced a week later what they had done after letting it slip. We all know were this is going. Theres only one alternative, Revolution or Extinction. Be prepared for Martial Law to be announced.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 14:44:37 +0000

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