Okay Republicans... I can hear your whining loud and clear about - TopicsExpress


Okay Republicans... I can hear your whining loud and clear about Barack Obama blatantly breaking the law by giving amnesty to 5 million illegals. I agree with you. Is it an impeachable offense... as he has violated his oath of office? Absolutely. But... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT OR SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!!!!! Im over your political cowardice!!! Just like with Benghazi... 2 years later... what have you done worth noting? Notta. Your political bull is beginning to sound as bad as Obama! Put-up... or shut-up! You have two years... and thats it. PERIOD! This November, in the mid-term election, the American people have given you the chance, with the majorities in the House and Senate, to make a difference for removing tyranny from the Whitehouse and within Obamas administration. You fail to make Obama pay for his corruption and impeachable tyranny, myself and millions of other Americans are finished with you. Done. Over. Poof! I will then vote for a 3rd party in 2016... or not at all. Pinkie promise. I wont waste my vote on cowards. Do nothing and I will vote for Hilliary Clinton while plugging my nose, before a pathetic hypocritical Republican. Not kidding. Why? Because at least I would then know Im voting for a crook. With your potential do-nothing party... you will be like Obama. Talk like the shepherd and kill like the snake. Nothing more than a political Pharisee. Put-up or shut-up! 2016 is coming. You have 24 months. Blow-it and I believe your party could very well be history. If not forever... for generations. Good day. MW
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:37:41 +0000

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