Okay. So I think Im making a little head way. And for the record, - TopicsExpress


Okay. So I think Im making a little head way. And for the record, I will probably only spend a few more days on this shit. I missed a whole day of painting yesterday because of it, and I cant be doing this shit. I just got off the phone with this guys probation officer. I did not feel at all satisfied with the conversation we had a few days ago. She was flippant, and frankly didnt give a shit. She hardly gave me any information I couldnt get from just about anyone off the street. Her only advice was to file a police report and block him from any social media sites. I was like Really? Thats it? She was as helpful as a medical doctor who prescribes you Ibuprofen after youve just paid 75 bucks to see his ass. But not only was she not helpful, she seemed totally annoyed to have to talk to me. I straight up told her You dont even care. She replied Its not that I dont care. Its that I dont know what you want ME to do. Thats when I started yelling at her I want you to tell me SOMETHING, ANYTHING that might put my mind to rest! According to this idiot, hes ready to book a flight to Texas after Ive insisted I want nothing to do with him. Maybe you could tell me hes on house arrest? That he isnt allowed to leave the state? SOMETHING??? But she calmly said Paul is not on house arrest. Hes not even on probation. Hes free to go wherever he wants. She was practically defending him. But just now, a girlfriend of mine sent me a link to his criminal history.....the exact link that Ive seen. And after combing through it again, and seeing there are 4 charges against him from 2014 alone (the most recent being 8/12/2014 for theft) I find it impossible to believe hes not on probation. Somethings not adding up. So I called her back just now. And of course I was pissed so I was ranting on and on, telling her not only have I exposed his gross ass on here, but Ive exposed her too for not doing her job. I was saying all kinds of shit, most of which I cant even remember. But finally she interrupted me saying Maam....Im sorry if you dont think Im doing my job...but Im not even his probation officer. Im an investigator. So I was like Why are you telling me this now?! I left you several voicemails before we actually connected saying Hi. Im trying to reach Paul Bettons PROBATION OFFICER. You should have set me straight from the get go. Anyway, I dont know what the hell is going on in Utah, but somethings definitely amiss. I demanded she give me her supervisors name and phone number. She did. So now Im about to call him and see if hes not an idiot.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:43:29 +0000

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