Okay. So Im at the movies with my two oldest grand babies (only 6 - TopicsExpress


Okay. So Im at the movies with my two oldest grand babies (only 6 years old). My phone keeps blowing up with texts and calls. Im texting as I was in a very heated discussion but never answered the calls. YES I WAS WRONG! Suddenly I feel these three fingers shove my shoulder from behind with such intensity. With the shove, I hear the words can you put your phone away? You are in a movie theater and shouldnt be on your phone. The man said it so NASTY! Now granted he had a point. I shouldnt have been texting. I was embarrassed. So I initially attempted to oblige him but not until I told him that he didnt have to be so nasty. Now usually (and it doesnt happen often) when I feel a possible threat or confrontation coming on I instantly think of my clearances that I need for work. But today, I thought of two things: My two little grand children that were beside me and Jesus. After all, we were watching Noah. Anyways, the next thing I hear is put her ass out. (he said this to the woman he was with) oh and she tried to jump in it too. Ill end the story there but it didnt end there. However, I want yall to know that Jesus is proud of me. I was able to handle the situation without blemishing my witness and that is the moral of the story.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 01:58:10 +0000

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