Okay... a bit of a scare! This morning, I put my dogs out in the - TopicsExpress


Okay... a bit of a scare! This morning, I put my dogs out in the dark, checking the area for eyeballs with a strong flashlight. No critters. Snuck back under the covers for a quick snooze before the alarm went back off (hey, five minutes is five extra minutes!). Suddenly the dogs went wild, and a moose went crashing past my bedroom window in full flight. WHEW! So a few minutes ago, I put the girls into the small, two acre yard, and put the boys into the eight acre yard. I went out to the van to put something in it to take to work in the morning, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the guy had brought his two horses back. They were standing just a little ways off in the dusk. WHAAAAT??? Two horses? Back? No way! MOOOOOSE! So I quickly put my dogs where it was safe, jumped in my van and drove toward them. That didnt faze them one bit. I drove a little closer honking my horn, then jumped out doing my best lion roar impression. The hair went up on their backs big time, and after a bit of indecision, one of them broke. Thats all it took. Panic is contagious. No moose. At least for a few minutes! LOL (Whew! My throat is very sore.)
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 03:23:59 +0000

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