Okay, already the Holy Spirit is showing me some stuff coming - TopicsExpress


Okay, already the Holy Spirit is showing me some stuff coming right off of the preaching I heard yesterday at the Faith Center, by David Dollins. His overall point ,to me was a clear picture of the finished work of Jesus Christ. I cant express in my own opinion and belief how true he was in his teaching. Now, I feel very compelled to go a little further into the subject matter with some scriptures that actually back up just what he preached on and also Im praying that the Holy Spirit will elaborate on some scriptures that also relate to just how we as Christians can live from a finished work perspective. For I have found it very difficult to walk in a manner worthy of the calling in which I have been called until just recently, The Lord has opened up some new insight. I hope you enjoy. Father, thank you for your goodness. Thank you that you love me and dont have to look through your Son to stomach me. Thank you that your word is alive. Thank you for its sanctifying power. I ask that you would take this time and grant me wisdom to say exactly what you want to say through me. I ask that you would open the eyes of your childrens hearts to your truth and that they will see you as you really are, LOVE. Ipraise you for your Son Jesus, amen. Okay, buckle up and dont be discouraged if some of this seems like Greek to ya. I trust The Lord to give you what He wants you to have in His timing. You can save this and go back as you need to. Lets have some fun! For me, the only scripture of many that exist that I have to look at to properly view where I stand in the eyes of my creator is Romans 5:1 THEREFORE HAVING BEEN JUSTIFIED BY FAITH, WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD THROUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Yes, as bad as it sounds, before we came to Christ we were enemies in Gods eyes. Romans 5:10 FOR IF WHILE WE WERE ENEMIES WE WERE RECONCILED TO GOD THROUGH THE DEATH OF HIS SON, MUCH MORE, HAVING BEEN RECONCILED, WE SHALL BE SAVED BY HIS LIFE. Now, I didnt write that. Paul did by the power of the Holy Spirit. See we were considered enemies, but now through Jesus WE ARE AT PEACE WITH GOD! Meaning theres no issues that are effecting our relationship with God anymore. Jesus crushed its head!!! Gen 3:15 for reference. He did this at the cross! Thank you Lord! Now, whats the problem? Well, this for me was and still is some very difficult subject matter. I do not, by any stretch of imagination got this thing all figured out nor am I perfect in my behavior. However, Im learning that the more time I spend with Jesus,He teaches me truth and that alone teaches me to see the variables that cross my path from Gods vantage point and in return, I can unleash Him on any situation. Holy Spirit I trust you here. Romans 6:6 says this KNOWING THIS, THAT OUR OLD SELF WAS CRUCIFIED WITH HIM, IN ORDER THAT OUR BODY OF SIN MIGHT BE DONE AWAY WITH, SO THAT WE WOULD NO LONGER BE SLAVES TO SIN. Ok, that tells me something very important. It tells me that my old man died with Christ and sin lost its power over my life the moment Christ took up residence in my heart. Im free and verse 7 proves it, FOR HE WHO HAS DIED IS FREEEE FROM SIN. Now heres where your average Christian will tuck tail and run. I make that statement because for a long time I couldnt see past what my natural mind could comprehend, but let me tell you that God is in the changing mind business. Ill proceed. Do I still sin? You bet I do, and so does any christian whos ever walked on this planet. Ok, well that seems to make things weird, dont it? The devil is a liar and Hes actually the father of lies. He hates your guts, and he wants to kill you and destroy you. So he does it with the only trick he has left, deception. He simply bombards your brain, which is a part of your flesh with lies and you either are wise and reject his crap, or you buy it based on some simple but elaborate scheme and you reap its consequences. Very simple, yet profound to an untrained eye. Okay, going further and this illustration hit me about a year ago as I was studying and I pray you can see it the way The Lord showed it to me. You ask yourself well how do I exercise my abilities now that I realize the power that I have? Very good question. Here is what god showed me and I trust the Spirit to show you as well. Romans 6:10 FOR THE DEATH HE DIED, HE DIED TO SIN ONCE FOR ALL; BUT THE LIFE THAT HE LIVES, HE LIVES TO GOD. Now, I picture it like this, Jesus died to sin once for all, meaning that as sin tried to stimulate him it couldnt because He was dead to it when it tried to tempt Him. Imagine you trying to wake up a dead person. You cant do it. Sin couldnt stimulate Jesus because He was dead to it, and He was full of grace and truth, and He was alive to what?? GOD! He was dead to sin, but alive to god. So thats how, in my opinion, He did it when He was tempted by the devil in Matthew 4, and of course when He crawled onto that cross at his death. Are you still with me? Ok, moving on... The next verse, if you caught what was being communicated in verse 10 is just simply amazing. It says, Rom 6:11 EVEN SO CONSIDER YOURSELVES TO BE DEAD TO SIN, BUT ALIVE TO GOD IN CHRIST JESUS! You can go ahead and do the math on that one! Youll have plenty of time to practice. Lol. Ill make the rest of this short and as simple as I can, time with your creator is the key to living a life of true freedom and rest. Equipped with a mere passing knowledge of the scriptures will not sustain you when your world gets turned upside down. Only a passionate pursuit of the person of Jesus Christ will do, and it comes as you spend time at His feet. Yes, life has demands and our kids have needs, but if we would ever pursue Him like we do our individual lives we would realize He is every void we are trying to fill. Bless you all and have an enjoyable day. Tomorrow, if The Lord wills Ill go deeper into more on how God has taught me how to use the sword He gave me to actually fight with it when the stuff of life gets deep. In Jesus name, Amen
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 10:28:42 +0000

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