Okay before anyone criticises Sonia Poulton, I would just point - TopicsExpress


Okay before anyone criticises Sonia Poulton, I would just point out that she has allowed herself to be brainwashed by anti-madeleine propaganda that exists on facebook, youtube, forums and the internet in general on sites like mccannfiles. She, like many others justifies this acceptance to brainwashing by claiming they are ‘making a stand’ in not accepting an official version of events. These types of people believe everything and everyone is involved in some sort of conspiracy. They call the general public sheep when in fact they themselves are conspiracy sheep. In this Youtube clip she claims to be making a documentary about the Madeleine McCann, under normal circumstances I would say NOT another sick person making money out the memory of Madeleine McCann. However, it is abundantly clear that she will not make any money out of this project. As many will know, I have extensively researched the Madeleine McCann case and didn’t start the exercise having already made up my mind and I have to say that I agree with the Metropolitan Police’s assessment that the case bears “all the hallmarks of a pre-planned abduction involving reconnaissance”. This does not mean that other possibilities cannot be ruled out but they are all less plausible and some involving the McCann’s would need to have huge amounts of conspiracy which would implicate too many other people thus becoming impossible to believe. Sonia, bless her, has clearly been affected by fellow troll @sweepyface’s death and in typical knee jerk fashion of a hyper sensitive person she has wanted to scream her opinion from the roof tops. Without any rational thinking and certainly very little research she has decided to make a documentary. Her documentary appears to be twofold, 1. She claims she is going to basically debunk the abduction theory that 3 years and approaching £10m of Scotland Yard investigation sees as it’s main line of enquiry, good luck with that one Sonia. She plans to do this by ‘doorstepping’ the key ‘central characters who were there in Portugal when Madeleine McCann disappeared’. Can we assume that these people are going to possibly be the Tapas 9, possibly the crèche nannies, perhaps other hotel staff? Anyway so far she claims to have ‘doorstepped’ 4 of them and the desired interviews ‘were not exactly forthcoming’. Sounds like that part of the documentary is going to be a lot of slammed doors. She needs to be careful though because she is likely to be dealing with well educated professional people who have already demonstrated that they will not stand for harassment or smearing. The second part of the documentary is to expose the ‘plethora of online trolls’ who have ‘savaged her and attempted to smear her’. So she feels so strongly about how wrong the media were to go after anti-madeleine troll @sweepyface that she is going to doorstep and expose people who have ‘trolled’ her in the same manner LOL, you couldn’t make it up. Now, I have no idea what these trolls have said to Sonia about her and her family and I certainly don’t condone anyone saying unfounded ‘smeary things about her and her loved ones’, but I doubt they were any worse than what @sweepyface and other people people in the dossier said about the McCann’s. I assume she is talking about people who may have ‘savaged’ her on twitter? But she doesn’t clarify this. I would point out that in my very limited knowledge of the McCann hashtag on twitter, it appears to be a bunch of mainly misfits on both sides of the fence hurling abuse at each other and in the antis case also hurling abuse into cyberspace at the McCann’s. While there has been a lot of hateful things being said it is pretty harmless in the grand scheme of things and most of the regular protagonists on both sides are clearly suffering from various forms of mental illness. So good luck with doorstepping twitter pro- Barry from Bristol who sits in his underwear all day tweeting nonsense like a zombie to #mccann. Anyway, I am so confident that Sonia’s documentary won’t make network television that I will donate £500 to Gonzo’s fund if it does. I would also like to extend my services in assisting in making the documentary having made a series of documentaries about anti-madeleine trolls myself which also involved doorstepping them. I would also welcome the opportunity to being involved in Sonia’s documentary in order to provide a balanced view with the hope that Madeleine and her family’s name won’t be tainted too much by Sonia’s latest trolling exploit. While I actually am looking forward to the release of the video as I believe it will almost certainly have comedy value. My advice to Sonia Poulton is to stick to what you are good at, like discussing whether ‘You Should sleep with you ex’ or ‘is an affair betrayal’ on daytime TV, and stop trolling Madeleine McCann and her family. https://youtube/watch?v=H0P7uBP8B1I
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 14:37:41 +0000

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