Okay damnit, Friday is here and the week is just about spent, kind - TopicsExpress


Okay damnit, Friday is here and the week is just about spent, kind of like that $5 bill your old man gave you when you were heading out to the movies with your best friend to see that brand spanking new James Bond flick, and maybe see a trailer that shows almost all of a set of uncovered boobs; knowing that that $5 would get you a large Coke with extra ice, an extra-large popcorn hot and fresh out of the popper, just as the counter-guy sprinkled it with that little bit of extra salt that made those popped kernels just right; and still have change to pool with your best friend and buy a box of Junior Mints. That kind of spent. So, we lost two legends this week. A clown prince, a man of rapid-fire delivery, impossible segues, and a master of ad-lib. He was this nut from Ork, who morphed (morked?) into a broadcaster par excellence, into a flying boy pursued by a hooked pirate, to a nanny with flaming breasts. Seriously? Yeah, he was good. As well as the classiest of all the classy dames. One we wished was seated with us in the back of a smoky dark tavern, shoulder touching ours, underneath the table, her fingers resting on our thigh, leaning in towards us, and with a low breathy slightly gin-tinged voice whispers, “Your place, or mine?”, while she give our ear a bit of a nibble. She was one hell of a gal. Hubba-hubba. Our world is a little less funny, a little less grand without these two. So, tonight include them in your toasts wherever you may be. They earned it. Put on some summer tuneage, pour some stiff doubles for you and your squeeze, a taste for the angels, a nod to the heavens, a clink, a wink over the brim of your glass, and the world is already looking a bit better. Put your feet up, let the summer breeze whisper its siren call, and know that you are where you are when you are supposed to be. If you’re going out, here it is – pour a freshie for you and your squeeze, oh hell, maybe another (let’s finalize your destination(s) and any accompanying guests); head to your closet; a smootch and a bottom pat on the way, maybe another smootch while you are at it; select tonight’s wardrobe, some colors and proper seasonal weight are of course in order; a little fragrance; accessories – your heirloom watch for the men, some heirloom jewelry for the ladies; check that mirror one more time; a couple of roadies; confirm any reservations; your squeeze is in charge of musical driving accompaniment, no matter how lame the anticipated selections; drive safe – Hey! No texting! Besides where are your manners, you have a passenger; smootch at some stoplights; use the valet; enter like a boss; survey the room; (hey, are just glancing over this part because you think it’s the same thing week after week? Well, you never know when the orders might be altered. So you could be drinking/eating/carousing at your own risk. You have been put on notice.); firm handshakes and polite kisses; order like you know what you are doing; hell, ask the bartender to make his fave why don’t you?; tell some great stories; wink at a stranger, they’ll think you know their secret; tip well; drive safe; smootch at some stoplights; pick-up two pints of interesting ice cream (one for each, sampling each other’s is allowed. So is the creative use of ice cream while in the horizontal position); have a nightcap or two; go out and check out the stars; let the rest of the night and upcoming weekend grab you in its embrace. Of course, use those coasters, or the terrorists win. Until next week.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 21:39:23 +0000

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