Okay fine, Im sure Ill regret this, but here are my thoughts on - TopicsExpress


Okay fine, Im sure Ill regret this, but here are my thoughts on this whole Ferguson situation. Im white, white as snow; but with a golden tan envious of the most bronzed goddesses once my skins been kissed by the summer sun. So, of course, I cant speak on the struggles that many minorities claim to go through simply because their skin is a different color. Black, white, purple, red; I assume everyone I havent yet met sucks at life and label them all assholes until proven otherwise. I guess you could say Im racist against human beings as a whole. Our species is awful, man! Anyways, Im not here to discredit anyones argument that they are indeed racially profiled. Im sure some of them are! I suppose it wouldnt hurt to look deeper into it, I know that much. We always have room to grow after all. That all being said, Michael Brown looked like a straight punk whenever he strong-arm robbed that store, and if everything was reversed and that man was white, I wouldnt defend the clown for one single second. In fact, Id be the first one saying, stupid white punk got shot by a cop, well thats just one less criminal I gotta worry about. But Im white, so maybe all of that is like comparing apples to oranges; I dunno. Id choose a better martyr for my cause, thats for damn sure. And as far as the looters go, those are just loser criminal scumbags taking advantage of this whole situation. The ones who gathered peacefully, who want their voices to be heard, well thats what America is all about! Its a shame that a select few had to act like escaped animals from a circus; and as such, that trash needs to be punished to the full extent of the law. Did the guy charge the cop? Maybe. Seems like a bunch of people who saw all the evidence and know way more about it then we do say he did. Either way, whatever anyones opinion on this all is, one thing is for certain; there is a disturbingly large group of folks out there, folks of all colors and differing ethnicities, who arent much more evolved mentally then the cavemen who walked this planet long, long ago. And that is both scary and sad.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:40:53 +0000

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