Okay, first of all, much love to my Facebook family. I dont - TopicsExpress


Okay, first of all, much love to my Facebook family. I dont normally post things unless I find them particularly uplifting or completely distressing, but Ive noticed a trend that I feel the need to comment on. People tend to post things that fit their world view; we all like to be validated in our particular biases and views. However, I have noticed a trend in recent times that is very disturbing. We have been getting less and less civil as our news sources become more and more biased. No one takes the time to research whether a certain article or meme is valid or truthful, they just repost with some sort of HA! I KNEW I was right! Attitude and usually a disparaging remark about people holding an opposing viewpoint. I have definitely seen this from people on both sides of the political aisle. Doing this serves only the powerful who have a vested interest in keeping us ill-informed, pissed off, and at eat others throats. Dividing us along arbitrary lines (be they political, religious, racial, or any other) makes us easier to control. Feeding us red meat that incites disrespect and even hatred makes us easier to control. We easily forget that we all have much more in common than we do that differentiates us. (By the way, if you think the above doesnt apply to YOU, it more than likely does. Look back over your posts with a fresh eye. Have they been useful in furthering the discussion with respect and love for your fellow human? Or have they been pointing fingers at THEM, whoever THEY might be? The vast majority of us have done this, myself included) People, not all people of color are criminals. There are some that are. (And that means people of EVERY color) Not all cops are power hungry murderers. There are some that are. ( the vast majority, however, are hard-working people who do a tough job and just want to get home to their families at night) Why can we not judge each case on the FACTS instead of just jumping on an emotion-driven bandwagon? Are there injustices being done? Absolutely. But each case is different. The media focuses on whatever will raise their ratings, and we, the obedient sheeple, trot from story to story, outrage to outrage, screaming at one another and getting further and further from being able to have a RATIONAL discussion about the FACTS of each case. When did we stop caring about the facts in the case? Meanwhile, the powerful pat us on the head, feed us crumbs from our own table, and seize the power that rightfully belongs to US. Although, seize isnt exactly the right word, because we have willfully CEDED our power by refusing to be informed and active. If your sole source of information is a political cartoon, internet meme, or The Daily Show, YOU are part of the problem. If your sole source of information is HuffPo, Rush Limbaugh, or some far left or far right outlet, youre part of the problem. Search for truth. Question everything. I am sorry this is so long, and I know most people wont read the entire thing, but for those that do, thank you, and please, for the sake of your fellow citizen, for the sake of your neighbor, dont repost an article unless you know its factual. Back up your positions. Be respectful. Above all, remember love is our most important ally. Whether you believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, believe that he was a great philosopher, or believe that he was some kind of new-agey hippie, he had it right. So did John Lennon. All we need is love.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 13:15:09 +0000

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