Okay folks. Ive just done something I hate doing--I deleted a post - TopicsExpress


Okay folks. Ive just done something I hate doing--I deleted a post and, with it, all its comments. A few reminders: Consider carefully before you post. If you think it may offend or hurt someone, please reconsider. Do not call people--in the group or otherwise--names. If you dont have something helpful to contribute, consider whether you need to comment at all. As this group grows, it may not look the same. That is to be expected and is fine. But the group will be what the members make it. We can only moderate the group so much. We are all volunteers and, frankly, our time could be better spent, oh, I dont know, rescuing cats, than monitoring every single post. So please, PLEASE, contribute to this group being a fun place to visit by moderating yourself. Some things are better posted on your own personal timeline than in this group. If youre not sure, maybe your own page is a better place? And finally, please remember that the words on the screen are written by a PERSON. Mine and all the other words too. Its easy to forget this online. Add to that passions running high because we all care deeply about animals and youve got a recipe for some risky posts and comments. If you wouldnt say something in person, dont say it online. This group is made up of people with thoughts and feelings just like you. Treat those people the way you want them to treat you. Thanks.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:14:33 +0000

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