Okay folks my thought for the day and a little story simply - TopicsExpress


Okay folks my thought for the day and a little story simply because Im a little cheesed off with comments about immigrants and immigration. In October 2 years ago I was on a dive boat talking to a Dutch man we were having a bit of a joke and complained to him that his lot had invaded us just over a thousand years ago. People from all along the European coast came across the North Sea and settled. Melvyn Bragg suggests in his book the Adventure of English, that we were invaded by Angles, Saxons, Danes and Vikings each of whom spoke similar, but not the same, language. When they settled in Britain they kept to their own kin but continued to trade with each other. This he explains, is the possible cause of so many accents on such a small group of islands. So back to the Dutchman. I though about my comment about his invasion of our territory but the following day I went back to apologise. Why? Well I realised that he and his kin hadnt invaded us, after all he still lived in Holland. More importantly! No one had invaded our country at all since our ancestors were the invaders it was us that invaded someone elses land. So if there isnt any Roman in us then we are certainly Germanic. We are all foreigners! In my case I know that on my mums side there is a Jewess and my grandads family were of french decent, probably persecuted Protestants from the north. Without the welcoming asylum a few hundred years ago, I wouldnt be here. The English are essentially mongrels it goes hand in glove with invasion, immigration and empire. Its something that happens when you are a nation of traders. Note that even our Empire was not gained by conquering ( loot and pillage) but by trade which explains why it was so successful. Most immigrants come here to work and they pay taxes which is just as well since the demographic is towards retiring age, who is going to pay for our NHS and our Pensions. Not the so called pure English of which there is no such thing). We gave up on our future population when we stopped having more than 2 children. We have always taken in immigrants and asylum seekers and they have been grateful and worked hard for the economy. Now Im not saying that there arent bad ones out there but the majority are good hardworking people and we are stronger and better off for having them here. Where would you be without you Friday night Curry, Chinese, Mexican, peri peri, Thai etc etc. our language now dominates the world when it was only spoken by peasants just 500 years ago. Our language is crammed full of foreign words so reflect on this as you sit drinking Tea on the veranda of your Bungalow (chai, verandah and bungalow). While ever you buy into the immigrant propaganda you play the political game of making it easy to rule people who have a common fear. It takes the attention of the real baddies, the politicians! So! Amend the rules to refuse benefits to those who havent paid in but dont keep out the workers who will pay for our future. We are all people and we deserve more. Dont believe what you read in the papers, you are being taken for mugs. Even Nigel Farage has German ancestors! Please embrace being British and a mongrel mix and accept others for what they are and remember that although illegal immigrant may not pay income tax, they probably wouldnt any way as they dont earn much, but they do pay VAT on goods and buy goods that keep the economy going? They work and pay tax but dont claim benefits as they dont want to draw attention to themselves. Isnt this what we want? Self sufficiency! Job done!. Please give it some thought.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:34:29 +0000

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