Okay friends and family, I am posting instead of calling. It has - TopicsExpress


Okay friends and family, I am posting instead of calling. It has been a very long two days. Excuse typos as I do not plan to proofread. I am exhausted but have had an AMAZING DAY OF MIRACLES! There are many steps to prepare for chemo and transplant of my own stem cells. They have a guideline of numbers for different things before we can continue to the next phase. This is a research hospital that has cared for multiple people with this type of cancer and probably all types of cancer. Yesterday they inserted a catheter with three ports in it for the next process. Wasnt great fun, better than the biopsy, which showed I had zero multiple myeloma in my marrow. Then I had injections scheduled yesterday afternoon, I thought they were crazy since I had surgical procedure that morning, but made it and received neupogen to increase stem cell production and motrobil telling bones to release stem cells into bloodstream. Woke every hour last night and Butch was sick and this morning not much better. He and Mason took me to clinic and got me settled in for todays procedure. Butch went to dentist and I slept on and off during extraction. First they did labs and then hooked the machine up. It was not pulling cells out well and I asked Mason James to cover me with my quilt made by Debbie Dean Clark, I never leave home on trips without it. It has scripture all over it and it is precious to me. I told the tech running the machine I had been praying before we came to Dallas that God would put who we needed to care for us. She said she had been praying for me before I came and she does it for all the patients she cares for because she doesnt know what they need. She also said she was praying for the machine to work while my nurse was flushing the ports again. The medicine is time sensitive so it has to happen in a specific time window. My Dr likes to extract atleast 9 million stem cells so he has enough for a second transplant. They really thought that because of my size, yes she called me small and not short, it would be 3 days of extracting taking more shots each evening to get all we needed. First Dr came in after checking lab results, said my white count was really high and that was very good for this procedure. Another came later and said that some ....... Cant remember the medical term bit it needed to be atleast 40 to have a good day of collection. She then informed me that my count was 215!!!! Usually you go back around 430 to wait on call from blood bank to give the number collected for the day and then they administer shots to prep for day 2 of collection. They were amazed by this number and said I would possibly only have 2 days of collection instead of the 3 to 4 days. Well how big is God that protects, and wants only the best for us...lets say the call Butch got said they had collected 13,200,00 stems cells today from 730-330 and a machine that wasnt working efficiently at first. I am totally blown away. There are not words to explain how loved I feel. His presence in surgery yesterday with the touch of His hand and the miracles that happened for a 4ft10in woman who loves the King. I may have lost a few readers at the great length of this status but I had to share. He is alive. He is a miracle worker. He is sovereign ! I am without words, and that doesnt happen much. I do not know where my phone is and I know butch wouldnt let me get on it as I need to sleep. We are going to be admitted on this Friday at 8am. I will be given 30 minutes of chemo. I will the be given I.V. Fluids for two days to flush my system and on third day get my stem cells returned to me and they will begin working to build my immune system upto normal. They say 2-3 weeks, I will see what God does. Goodnight all my fellow prayer warriors. God heard your prayers. He heard my prayers. Circumstances looked so dim at times but He was right there the whole time. I had to share. Any who are struggling with anything, hang in there. He has a plan and there is no plan better than His. Humbled by the love He has for me, as I dont deserve it but I am so thankful for it. Goodnight!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:53:24 +0000

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