Okay guys here are the Rune names and meanings as promised - TopicsExpress


Okay guys here are the Rune names and meanings as promised earlier. 0 - WYRD. This is rune of total trust when drawn in a reading, and should be seen as exciting evidence and trust of youre most immediate contact with youre own true destiny. Accepting responsibility for our own actions whether good or bad. What is destined to be and cannot be avoided . 1 - FEHU. Something which you have been striving toward will finally be within youre grasp. Signifies overcoming opposition, can indicate a fortunate New career opportunity or a fortunate financial investment. It is telling you not to give up hope of whatever it is that you are wishing for. 2 - URUZ. Powerful indicator of good health and strong natural powers of resistance. If shown in a reading indicates a speedy recovery from illness. Can indicate the ( male ) in any relationship and signifies strong emotions.The thing he truly desires. It is a forceful masculine driving rune.Natural changes that should not be avoided. Promotion/ New career on the horizon. 3 - THURISAZ. Associated with protection and luck. Unexpected good luck from an equally unexpected source. Right place/right time. 4 - ANSUZ. Spoken - spoken word, taking of advice, or acquisition of wisdom. Indicates an exam of some kind - whether written or job interview. Careful thought or deliberation and advice from someone else . 5 - RAIDHO. Symbol of travel usually for pleasure. A safe/pleasant journey without mishap and possibly with other people. A journey of the soul, make the journey within if not already on it. Keep at it. Good time to enter into negotiations/discussions. At this time you are passing into a period of conducive to logical thought and strategy. In all questions dealing with a difference of opinion,it suggests that although there are problems at present, a comfortable midpoint can be reached. Time is right to buy or sell. It suggests that you are about to receive a message of some kind, probably by phone. Unexpected news or come at an unexpected time. Two minds about a problem, where both courses of action could turn out well. 6 - KENAZ. Represents friendly warm, controlled fire. Represents strengths, energy and power. Indicator of vigorous good health and strong powers of recuperation. Good positive attitude. A time of opening up, good things coming into youre life. Ideal time to start something new- relationships/creative ideas. 7 - GIFU. Meaning gift. Usually indicates a partnership of some kind, either business/love. Can indicate a gift of generosity of some kind,coming into your life. Could be a material gift or timely nature such as money coming to you when you most need it or an item youve been needing. Relief from youre troubles and a time of peace and contentment in youre life. 8 - WUNJO. Means joy and happiness, coming into youre life. Positive outcome of whatever is troubling you at this time. Be happy. Can represent joy in youre work especially if artistic or creative in nature. 9 - HAGALL. Represents all forces outside youre control. Elemental disruption whether bad or good, the future being in someone elses hands at this time. Not the best time for any new starts - any delays/limitations are necessary so be content to learn from them,live with them and just take a step back and go with the flow. 10 - NIED. Rune of patience. You may possibly find yourself enmeshed in delays, constraints,ill health or oppression but this rune indicates that you have to have patience and everything will work out in youre favour, indicates a time of passing through a difficult learning situation. Please think twice before taking on new projects as at this time you have neither the energy or strength to put youre best into it. 11 - ISA. Means a freeze of activities. All plans should be put on hold for the time being to be resumed at a later date. , and in the case of relationships whether emotional or businesses,this rune suggests a cooling off period. 12 - JERA. Means reaping of rewards. This is a rune of justice and legalities of every kind. It suggests that things have to happen in their own good time and cannot be rushed,,but please be aware of all facts. 13 - EIHWAZ. Indicates that you have set youre mind on a reasonable target and are well able to achieve youre goals. Even if at this time things seem really bad and you have obstacles in youre way, dont be disheartened as this rune tells of things turning round for the better. 14 - PERDHRO. This rune deals with things hidden,secrets and occult abilities. Something that has remained hidden is about to come to light., usually positive such as a new opportunity or perhaps the retrieval of an object thought to be lost. Could also refer to the disclosure of a secret you may have been trying to keep to yourself. It is also a rune of unexpected gains/surprises and often shows unearned money. Could also indicate a strong intuitive/occult ability which could soon be called upon to help in a time of difficulty. 15 - EOLH Signifies a fortunate New influence entering youre life often through uconscious emotions instincts. Could be a new career opportunity or a study course. A rune of friendship and often shows a new relationship with someone who is outgoing, generous and fun to be around. A very strong beneficial rune. 16 - SIGEL Represents great power. Much power will be available to you at this time to effect changes in youre life. Any opposition that you may encounter can be swiftly overcome leaving you time to relax and take it easy. A rune of great health and vitality and could be in a reading if someone was worrying unnecessarily. An extremely positive rune. 17 - TIR Represents success in any competition. Can indicate that you are about to take up a cause or have already done so. Forces of fair play versus forces of unjust oppression. You are ready to fight for what you believe in no matter what the odds and will most probably succeed. A rune of extreme motivation showing a strength of will and single mindedness that can enable you to overcome all odds. Can show an increase in power /money rising up in the world through youre own abilities and strength of character. Can also indicate a timely new romance, filled with romance and passion, if the rune has female sitter- represent the most important man in her life.. 18 - BEORC. Represents birth and family. Represents either youre mother or youre children. Indicates an event that can bring joy to the family - a birth or a wedding. True home - where the heart is rather than where you are living now. Birth of a new ideas. Go into matters at this time with care and awareness. 19 - EHWAZ. Represents physical movement. Physical shifts or new dwelling places. Main significance is change,for the better and usually an anticipated one. Change usually involve travel of some kind or even actual change of location. Stands for gradual development and steady progress. Whatever youre question, you are tackling the problem in the correct spirit and are close to success. 20 - MANNAZ Rune of humankind. Expect to receive some kind of help or co operation with whatever problem you are dealing with. It could be in the form of totally unbiased,honest advice but please try to adopt a positive attitude. 21 - LAGAZ. Represents intuitive knowledge and indicates that you should follow youre intuitions carefully. Can also indicate psychic abilities or can show that you are being guided and protected by higher powers but not be consciously aware. For naturally psychic people, it can show a significant event or prophetic dream regarding a potentially hazardous situation or bad offer. Success at this time lies in tuning into youre voice. If sitter is female- no trouble besets her, she will be more than capable of dealing with problems. If sitter is male - shows the presence of a strong and supportive female in the background, possibly the most important woman in his life. Represents good memory and success in learning usually through utilisation of imaginative faculties. Frequently shows that the tide has turned in youre favour and can indicate that a time of relaxing, reevaluating and cleansing is at hand. 22 - ING Indicates that a force is available at this time to complete any projects and shows a successful conclusion to the problem at hand. It also represents a sense off relief, that comes from a positive accomplishment but can merely indicate a mind free from anxiety. Could also indicate a very important event in you life such as the birth of a child, a new job or a new love affair. Indicates the ending of an old phase of youre life to give birth to a new and exciting one. Marks the time of positive energies and deliverance of good fortune. 23 - DAEG. Symbol of increase and growth and a major period of increase and prosperity. Slow but steady therefore as changes are happening,you may not notice them but one day you will wake up and things will look much brighter. As much to do with youre attitude, putting on a brave face will do much to help you in youre present problem. Could mark a major change in youre life perhaps so radical that you will never live youre life in the same way again. Making a new start on some level, but sometimes it shows that you must make the best of a situation over which you have no control. Things will get better though perhaps with outside help. Can also show you being exposed to a new way of life or thinking - even a religious enlightenment. 24 - OTHEL Possessions- and usually represents the things that money can buy usually land or buildings. When it does indicate money,it will be money in the form of inheritance,trusts or pension funds. Can represent someone who is consumed by an ideal or vision, inspired by the past. Helped by older people or old friends. Could also signify inherited traits. Hope you can relate to the rune that you chose xxx.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:15:08 +0000

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