Okay guys, here is my story that I did for an assignment. I find - TopicsExpress


Okay guys, here is my story that I did for an assignment. I find it quite terrible so PLEASE give me Tons of advice! It needs all the help it can get! How to Change the Future I shifted up a gear on my Dodge Challenger as I headed out to Albany, Georgia. I knew my family would be waiting for me, counting down the 11 hour drive I have from Dallas, Texas. Normally I wouldn’t be going to be with my family on Christmas, but being a 28 year old bachelor, feeling lonely on the holidays made me decide to make the long drive back to my hometown. I got onto the main highway and started the long drive. I was feeling confident that I could make it the whole 11 hours – maybe with a few food and bathroom stops along the way. Five hours in and I was starting to get a little bit sleepy so I pulled over in the next restaurant that I saw. Perusing the menu I came across a huge cheeseburger that reminded me of something from my past. We sat opposite each other. Everyone could tell it was our first date. My hands shook as I picked up my cheeseburger; I could just feel Lacey’s eyes looking at me as I chomped down into my sandwich. There was an awkward silence for a while until I could finally choke out something intelligible. “So, what is your favorite sport?” I mentally smacked myself. Her face seemed to show relief though, and she responded: “Well…I love to cheer, as everyone probably knows-me being a cheerleader. But secretly… – I love tennis!” Lacey told me. Eyes wide, it was all I could do to quickly swallow the delicious bite I had just taken, “Really? I haven’t heard of many people who play tennis!” “Oh yeah, there are a special few of us, “ she winked playfully, “I really truly gained my love for it when I was on vacation and me and my family ended up at a tennis court. I actually would truly, honestly love to be a professional tennis player!” The waiter gained my attention from my little daydream by waving the bill in front of me. I sheepishly apologized and quickly paid my bill, trying to leave the scene of my embarrassment as fast as possible. Back on the road again, my mind drifted to what awaited me at my family home. My parents would enthusiastically greet me, my mother would probably comment on how I have gotten taller and more defined, then my grandparents would come in, hug me, and ask if I got the card from them. Finally my siblings would saunter in with their families and spouses, teasing me as they walked towards me to give me a hug. I missed them more than I had thought. The ease of family could never be replicated or replaced. Eight hours in, and I felt like I was going to start seeing things. I quickly stopped at the next gas station to get more gas and hopefully my bearings too. I walked into the large store after I had filled up my tank and looked around for the snack section. I realized it was right by the little section where bling-crazy 13-year-old girls could get rings and other jewelry. Next thing I knew, I was remembering again; I was in a high-end jewelry store. Having finally talked myself into going in, I tried to casually peruse the merchandise, but my stomach was tied in knots over what I was about to do. There would be no going back, there would only be going forward after this. As I ran my hand through my hair, the manager on duty of the magnificent jewelry store approached me. “You look like the kind of man who is looking for a wedding ring.” He chuckled a little bit, and he was so likeable that I chuckled with him. “You got me,” I admitted, slightly relieved to have someone to converse with for this life changing decision. The manager chuckled again and swept his hand towards another man at one of the counters in the large store. He seemed equally nervous and I cringed slightly to think at how common poor saps like us might be. “That fellow there, is in your same shoes. Why don’t we go over there so I can help both of you together.” I nodded my agreement and we headed over towards the mirror fellow of me. “What is her name?” “Lacey,” I answered, a huge grin brightening my face. I couldn’t help it, every thought of her just made me smile. “A lovely name to be sure” The manager took out a huge assortment of rings, ranging from stunning to quaint. The man next to me immediately set his sights on one of the biggest diamond rings I have ever seen. The craftsman, you could tell, did not hold back his skills. It had to be worth at least 50 thousand! I couldn’t believe it! He was going to spend that much money on a simple token of love? “Well.” The shop keeper murmured in awe and admiration, “She must be a jewel herself!”. “Oh, she truly is. Worth every penny.” the other man said with a careful reverence. After the manager had gotten the ring all aside for the hopelessly in love man, he turned to me with an expectant look in his eye. “What will it be for you?”. “What would you suggest?” I timidly asked. “Well, sir, I think that a wedding ring should be something that speaks to both you and her, holding nothing back and giving all.” I cleared my throat. I couldn’t do this! I was not ready. I was calculating how much I could spend, and that is not at all what the other deeply-in-love young man did. Right then and there I decided I had to end it with Lacey. I could not continue to be with her-or anyone for that matter-if I wasn’t willing to give her everything. She deserved more. Another customer bumped me, simultaneously moving me a few inches and moving me out of my memories. She did deserve more, I thought, and once I realized that, I had to immerse myself in my career in order to try and forget the pain that I had within me, knowing I could never have her as my own. I swallowed the lump in my throat and quickly got a bag of chips that would hopefully distract me from my depressing thoughts. As I got into my vehicle, I noticed a small boy, sitting in the passenger seat. He looked vaguely familiar, with his scuffed shoes and casual t-shirt and jeans. “Who are you? What are you doing in here? Are you lost?” The boy looked at me, and I swear I saw my very soul in his eyes. “I am you, of course! So naturally my name would be Jonathan. And lastly, I am not lost, you are. I am here to help you.” I was truly going out of my mind, I thought. I had lost it! “So,” said the little boy, “let’s just jump right in so we can get you all set up for an awesome Christmas Eve!” “But Christmas Eve is just going to be with my family” I protested “Nothing too special, just us all being together”. “Whatever,” The boy said, “I guess we will see how things end up right?” I was so confused! What the heck was going on?! “We only have three hours or so to get this done so pull this sweet ride out of here!” the little boy cheerfully demanded. “It’s nice isn’t it?” “Yes” the little boy fervently agreed. “But since you are me I suppose you would like it!” I chuckled to myself, getting a little bit too giddy in all the craziness that was going on. I pulled out of my parking space and continued my journey, this time with my little self to keep me company. “So, normally I would do this huge long thing and show you all these insights into you/us, but we are quite low on time so why don’t we just jump to the point?” The little boy said matter-of-factly. “I am good with that, definitely. So, you said I am lost, I know I have felt something missing for a while. And I shouldn’t because I have finally succeeded in my career, and I am quite well-off. Money is no worry for me at all! So why am I so…void?” I was sure the little me could hear the confusion in my voice. He was about to answer when I hit on an idea. “Wait! I know what it is! I am going to my hometown-where Lacey is! So naturally I would be thinking of her right? And I have been having all of these weird flashbacks because of the thought of seeing her and it makes me think of how alone I am. I mean, if I had married her, we might have kids and stuff now. But, I couldn’t have done it. I wasn’t good enough for her. She never would have accepted me. I couldn’t provide for her or anything! I need absolute conviction. No doubts or anything.” I finished, deep in thought. “Wow!”, the little boy exclaimed. “I am almost not even needed here! I think all you needed was a little push. But then again, we all need that push every once in a while.” He winked at me. “So, we both know that you have always had that doubt inside you about not marrying Lacy-and don’t bother to deny it because I am you and everyone knows that a little child represents the true self so I know you more that you would admit.” I nodded my assent, he was me, what more was there? He cleared his throat and continued, “Now we need to get to the point as to why you didn’t marry her. You just didn’t feel like you were enough. But you hadn’t put that by her, had you? What if you were enough to her? What if she didn’t feel like she was enough for you and then you go and break up your relationship with her, proving her insecurities to be true.” I stared in shock. “That can’t be it! She would never think that! She is incredible! I don’t think she ever has had a flaw!” The boy gave me a look that told me to be quiet and listen, “Can she read your mind? Now listen, this is so silly of you! Why don’t you just go to her house and explain it all to her. “ I protested, “But I don’t even know where she lives! And what if she is married?” He looked at me and said “She lives exactly where she always has, you know that. You know she loved that little house too much to ever leave it. And you can find out if she is married when you talk to her. Now pull into her driveway and talk to her.” All of a sudden I realized I had been driving to Lacey’s house and not my parents! But, there was no turning back now. I slowly got out of my car and went up to the door. If all went well-who knows-I might be able to have an “awesome Christmas” just like the kid said. Wouldn’t my family be so excited to see Lacy and me back together. Everyone always said we were great together. She always kept me in line, my mother told everyone. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. The door was opened and my heart stopped when I saw Lacey’s face. Recognition filled her eyes and she smiled as she said “Jonathan.” As I talked to Lacey-who didn’t have a ring on her finger, mind you-I felt as at ease with her as I remembered. It was just like old times, like those 3 and a half years had been nothing. I could just feel the younger me watching as I explained it all to her and got down on my knees to propose, just as I should have those many years ago. And to answer your question, I didn’t even have a ring with me(though I knew exactly the kind of ring I would get her when the time came), and she didn’t even care. Because to her, I was enough.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:05:34 +0000

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