Okay has everyone been following my post about contact the - TopicsExpress


Okay has everyone been following my post about contact the independent about their poll v Irish waters assertion that only one in five households wont pay...........well here is the full conversation....... Wednesday 18:28 Hello there i used to be an avid fan of the independent and i used to advertise etc etc.Why did you post 1 in 5 households will not be paying for there water when your own polll showed over 90 percent said no...and when i get up the next morning it was nearly 50/50 with a much lower voter count then when i went to bed.....can you explain this to me before i go out of my way to let many people aware of this?Can you not see the anger on the streets ?i have 150 marching with me alone on saturday 11th thats one man with 150 who else will turn up ?Censorship is the top issue at the centre of Irelands troubles this will cost you because integrity is something you are born with money cannot create. Thankyou i wait for your reply or maybe you would like me to write it for you.......... Thursday 12:01 Hi Ian, Thanks for the comment. Can you be more specific? Was this coverage on the site or in the paper? Can you link to the stories in question? Thanks Hello there it was the online poll on your website.....it showed massive support for the no before i hit the hay it could have been 90+% then the headline splurges that 1 in 5 wont pay their charges......how does that work.....why do a poll? the same thing happened on journal .ie there is a big issue with censorship in this country and it will come to ahead at some stage.......your newspaper should report the news un biased so when i see this it turns my stomach about an hour ago Hi Ian, As clearly stated in the story, those figures were based on research carried out by irish water. Our poll was external to that, to see if our readers answer differed - and as you pointed out, it did. Hope that helps. well then in a democracy i would have counter manded that information with your own polled information which would have served the people........instead you let the issue hang.......if u want people to support your publication i suggest u rethink how you dish out your propaganda....150 k marched on sat i was there i brought two hundred....we will not go away........Ask Dobby when you are going to be allowed act like a newspaper.....i am glad i still have my integrity there is a war out there and for many it is just beginning .....this is about you and I providing a better future.......there should be no sides......the truth needs no allies....I am 17 yrs in business and i can honestly say i have a clear conscience .I am not here to fight or argue or even ruin your day.I am here to communicate with your humanity.Your poll spoke volumes your editor spoke nothing.You may think i am a crack pot and i suppose in a way i am,i wear my heart on my sleeve.Thank you for replying to me it is nice to see that you take pride in your work........if you get the time maybe reflect and see Ireland from others prospective....we are fighting for the truth and an end to censorship.....if this is all we manage to bring about then i will consider this a successful campaign.In my opinion if you guys shot from the hip and told it like it was for real you would earn a place in the history books.....but alas fairytale are for around campfires....daylight brings with it the harshness of life. i understand this conversation was doomed from the beginning ....but thank you for time i hope you do well for yourself......have a pleasant day.....i have 1200 followers to plead my case too.....wish me luck. Ian Patrick Compton Chat conversation end
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 10:48:10 +0000

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