Okay.....heres my dime, for those whove inboxed, as well as those - TopicsExpress


Okay.....heres my dime, for those whove inboxed, as well as those whove wondered why Ive seemingly been silent on the last couple of days goings on. So, here goes: First off, its the ultimate tragedy for the family of Michael Brown. Thats a given. I dont know what Browns motives were and it doesnt even matter. Was he disrespectful of authority, you bet your sweet bippy he was.....and, in all honesty, it probably wouldnt have mattered a tittle to Brown if Darren Wilson, the coward with a gun....and a badge....were black, white, red, yellow, indigo or resembled a dadgum Bomb Pop. Brown was seemingly on a mission but, whatever aggression he showed toward this COP {Coward On Patrol!}, I would bet a pinkynail were actions that said Flip you, authority.....youre on my turf. Still, police officers.....those true-to-form, those that have taken every edge possible from the rigors of 25 weeks of ultimately learning to protect and serve.....are sworn to control encounters similar to this one.....even when the aggressor is a 300 lb., rampaging, thug {encoded!} youngster who has exposed the fact that Wilson is an officer of the law.....the law that governs all.....because someone was owed a favor. Darren Wilsons a punk.....plain & simple....but, even more outrageous than that is the fact that Ferguson, MO would still be some little known St. Louis enclave to the rest of the country if hed acted in his official capacity. Am I giving Brown a pass in all this? Short no!!! I dealt with aggressive youth - mostly, black youth - for more than six years and.....in the capacity in which I served.....I was just another one of those white folks. Clearly, Im not white.....I do dances, other than the cabbage patch when the occasion arises......but, to them, every officer of the law is part & parcel to their internal strife. What the past couple of days have shown is that the good guys and bad guys arent always known for certain. Michael Brown has no business being a demise stat.....and, those friends of mine who are taking the Wilson acquittal as if its some kind of catchback for the OJ verdict, you guys are....well, youre something else. Im not surprised by the verdict.....no mouth-flying-open gasping for me. As a result, two cowards.....in as many years.....with guns are walking around free.....and with some form of renown. And Wilson is claiming hes receiving death threats. Yuh huh, so did Hank Aaron.....and all he did was shatter the record of that pudgy, womanizing boozer, Babe Ruth....so, as lots of Wilson supporters like to say, get over it. Two black kids......those are the ones we know of.....have been executed. And, the two punks who carried out each senseless execution have escaped justice. Hmmm.....Jim Crow seemingly died in the southern US decades ago. Obviously, he had lots of offspring because the Crow Family has obviously come out of the shadows in Missouri. The militia wears three piece suuts, nowadays.....and judges robes. Ha ya luhdat.....yall!!!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:42:43 +0000

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