Okay heres my rant for the day....ready....here I go...what is the - TopicsExpress


Okay heres my rant for the day....ready....here I go...what is the problem with you young parents today? Have you lost your mind? How dare you not allow your parents to visit or see their grandchildren. Who do you think you are? Some parents you are, not allowing their grandparents to see them. You know that they did raise you....right.....? Do you not have a heart? Do you not have respect? Do you not have love for your parents? Do you not know how much you are hurting them? God blessed you with children, not for you to be selfish with them but to share them with others. What is wrong with you? Proverbs says Grandchildren are the crown of the aged and the glory of children is their Father. I am so tired of hearing the hearts breaking, crying, disturbing thoughts, broken spirits, and depression of my friends and family members because their selfish, heartless children wont allow them to see their Grandchildren. A Grandchild is the light and sparkle of a Grandparents eye. Grandchildren keep us young, healthy, fun, and loving life. and you have the nerve to forbid your parents from seeing their grandchildren. You do know if it wasnt for your parents, you wouldnt be here, right? I pray for God to soften your heart for Him to speak to you and make you change your mind, because only He can do that. Regardless of what you do your parents still love you, and even though you keep them from their grandchildren, they still love them too, even though their heart is broken in two. Prove to God that your heart is still soft, that you still love your parents, let them see, hold, play with, squeeze, laugh with, cry with, spoil, buy things for and love their grandchild. You can do it, come on, and if not Ill be praying for your parents, your child, cause lets face it...theyre the ones youre hurting, and for you, because you dont deserve it but you desperately need it. God bless your child and your parents, their grandparents. Rant over for now but beware may start again tomorrow.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 16:07:15 +0000

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