Okay just to let this out...I see the story about the woman who - TopicsExpress


Okay just to let this out...I see the story about the woman who killed her step sister which is a sad story dont get me wrong but as I scroll threw the comments I realize how stupid people are.. who is she to take her life an anyone who takes someones life should rot in hell...yes its a dam shame someone could be so ruthless an cruel to a human bein but lets brake down...death is all around us people die everyday wether its natural murder or self inflicted, the media has a way with glamorizing certain situations. People fight for our country an kill others all the time so should they rot in hell because of what they did? Or is that a good kind of kill? People pull the plug on elderly aswell does that mean they should go to hell aswell? What is heaven an what is hell? I question humanity on a daily basis. Do you believe in science or religion? Sure people have their our opinions about all of this an Im not tryin to preach simply sayin I have no faith left in society nor do i trust media politics nor the government...think on that people!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:46:45 +0000

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