Okay last running update because the Cit to Surf is on next - TopicsExpress


Okay last running update because the Cit to Surf is on next weekend so trainings nearly DONE mannnnnn! (and it doesnt seem to get any easier for some reason!). Hubby told me to get out and do a 4k run today as Id just been working on the 3ks during the week and seeing as I hate being told what to do I waited around just long enough for it to seem like it was my idea to go for a run, gathered up my little training partner and set off for our first 4k run. The husband was going to put a time limit on us until the look I gave him suggested that my phone would sound awfully muffled if someone should ring it at that instant if you get my drift. Lets just see if we can make the DISTANCE before we worry about TIMES! I said. So, Katy Perry blasting away the lad and I set off, slightly worried about whether wed make it back alive or not but still quietly hopeful. I have to say I am always so impressed with kids abilities to cope with hardship if they have to. They go for one run a week and thats when we make them and it looks like theyve been training for years. Hes bouncing around my feet like a chihuahua excited to see his master come home where Im just busy trying not to trip over that damn flat pavement. Im all for his encouraging tips and banter but a little less chatter about how Pinks style may or may not have changed on her first album since having baby Willow would be appreciated!!! Anyway we hit our first 2ks, turn around and head on home. Were nearly there mum, were gonna make it!, yep, but weve still got half way to go son, lets not get too cocky!!! We reach our final landmark and he says weve got this in the BAG Mum, were gonna do it! Every step after 3ks is something we should be proud of! Bless his little cotton socks, and hes right but thats not good enough, its 4ks or BUST baby so we put our heads down and bolt for home. We finally reach the end of our street and I release him from his supportive son duties and say you can take off now, were nearly home so off he goes leaving me in his wake, tearing around the corner like a mad man yelling for Dad to come look at us. I bring up the rear like a bedraggled cat whos just been pulled from a swimming pool but manage a Rocky-esque air punch as I come round the corner to see the husbands smiling face. Youre doing it easy, you could have done it even quicker...... (then the thought of the muffled phone must have tempered his next comments as he suddenly stopped talking) GREAT JOB! he says wisely instead. 4 ks in 3 weeks training, not bad if I do say so myself. Youll be able to do 5 soon he says. Whaaaaat????? I didnt sign on for THAT, are you CRAZY??? Anyway truth be known Ive actually quite enjoyed the training, especially the runs with my eldest son. It does my heart good to know were doing something healthy together and bonding as well. Looks like well be crossing the line as a family next weekend (if the husband can force himself to run slow enough) and I wont be letting the team down. Sniff sniff..... A little tear of pride.....
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 04:06:31 +0000

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