Okay let me rephrase that for those of you who dont know the real - TopicsExpress


Okay let me rephrase that for those of you who dont know the real story. For the past year or so, Ive been being stalked. Legitimately stalked. Like, I had to make several police reports stalked. My boyfriend at the time had asked him to stop, and for awhile, he did. Then the other night I felt like I was being followed. Mind you, this guy had no knowledge of where my new apartment was located, or he shouldnt have at least, because I never ever told him. Turns out, it was him following me home from work. He begged me to talk to him..but I was so startled that I just went up into my apartment without even calling the police like I should have. Then this morning, I wake up, and Im in my bedroom, talking to Joe on the phone. I get up because I heard my cat meowing maniacally in the living room..And what do I find? My stalker. Standing in my living room, looking through my clothes that were on the floor. I didnt hear a peep. I screamed and immediately called the police. He left and then be CAME BACK even after knowing that I had called the police! I am so scared. I feel so unsafe, and Idk what to even do. The doors were locked! How could he have gotten in?? Now everything is starting to make sense...the missing clothes, the hidden jewelry box....wtf do I do...
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:00:09 +0000

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