Okay....letters from missionaries this week came. Please send - TopicsExpress


Okay....letters from missionaries this week came. Please send prayers up for Bailey Sue Lovelessand Elder Bastion Loveless. Bailey has been really sick...apparently bad enough to see the mission doctor. They are running tests... she is having trouble keeping food down. Migraines so bad she cant stop vomiting. She has eaten nothing but beet soup all week. Because it is the only thing she can keep down. They cant figure out what went wrong....or if she ate something bad. She has severe abdominal pain. The mission doctor asked her if she thought she needed to come home. She has been out one year. And only has six months to go. They are hoping to figure out what is wrong. She has been stuck having to stay close to a bathroom for almost two full weeks. Bastion while six hours south in Johannesburg to pick up his new missionary... (he was excited the Elder he is supposed to train...is from Mexico City...only second person from Mexico to ever serve in South Africa)... But he wrote me too with a strange ailment...they think may have been caused by stress. His gums in the past two weeks... in his mouth are achey and swollen...and began to bleed a lot... He said...he has started to rinse with salt water...after he brushes and taking some antibiotics just in case he picked up some strange bacteria in the water he brushes his teeth with. Anyways....they dont know why he is having a new issue he has never had before. He has been the healthy one taking care of everyone else. But between the two of them... We are a little concerned this week. They both asked for prayers... And money to see the doctors/dentist/for medicine. So we thought we should share that info so others could say a little prayer for their well being and health too. Hugs. Amy
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 22:13:49 +0000

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