Okay, maybe I should keep it to myself, but I absolutely HATE that - TopicsExpress


Okay, maybe I should keep it to myself, but I absolutely HATE that the Catholic church makes Mary co redemptress with Jesus! She has ZERO to do with our salvation, and she CANT intercede or hear prayers! Prayers to the dead is necromancy, contacting the dead forbidden by God! That goes for mediums too! Abominations! Jesus is God the Son. He became a man, he left his throne in heaven. Hes the Word of God in the flesh! He ALONE is sinless, and could pay the price of our sins!!! Both Jesus and Mary are highly offended at that teaching! The bible never ever says she was a part of the cross atonement in any way! Nor a virgin after Jesus, nor sinless, immaculately conceived, nor ascended! These are the traditions of men, the bible is thunderoysly silent on them because they are lies! Jesus said, I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life, (the word implies excluding ALL others!), No man goes to the Father BUT BY ME! Mary is blessed or happy, among women, to be chosen to bear Gods Son, however, Jesus name is far above every name named, and the only name that can save . Mary was chosen by grace, which means, undeserved favour! God has NO mother and even Jesus is Creator and eternal! With the Father and Holy Spirit! What harm can it do to pray to saints and Mary to intercede? I just told you! Jesus said to pray to the Father in his name and only they can read minds and hear you! Worst of all, it leads to idolatry! You end up thanking and praising the saints and Mary you prayed to and rob God of his glory! If you cant give it up its stubbornness of heart and idolatry! The first two commandments are, You shall have no other gods in my presence! The second FORBIDS honoring images! The gospel is only Jesus saves and is with us through the Holy Spirit and defeated Satan! Which proves ALL the so called Mary visions to be demonic lies!!!! Satan transforms himself into an angel of light! Test the spirits under the light of scripture! Mary worship is blasphemy! They deny worship but the enthroning of Mary and many shrines and the idolatrous man made rosary proves otherwise! SHE DOES NOT WANT IT! You dishonor her and God! I have respect for the true Jewish humble Mary, non for the Roman Catholic heavenly queen! Which is really Semiramus, Ishtar, Venus, and Isis, pagan queen of heaven sun goddess worship in a different form! And as for the pope, I owe him no honour!Jesus said one is your father in heaven! Him calling himself Holy Father disgusts me! Jesus also said beware of Pharisees who wear fancy robes and want respect! Take off your robe and crowns and stop sitting on a throne in a palace, and stop being carried around with ppl kissing your rings, be humble like Jesus, and then Ill respect you! Repent of all the idolatry and tear down the shrines and statutes! Jesus will when he returns anyway!!! As an ex Catholic my biggest beef is my family and friends are very hard to reach because the gospel of Jesus is not being clearly preached and understood! Which is you must trust Jesus for salvation alone, not your own good works, and repent and follow him! Ppl think if they do sacraments and try to be good, its enough! WRONG! Its admitting your sinfulness, going to the cross for forgiveness, and knowing that faith in Jesus death and resurrection, and Jesus and ONLY Jesus can save you! And its instantaneous! But I always have to worry about my loved ones cause some just dont get it! Im far from perfect, a work in progress, I fall often, but Im washed in the blood of the Lamb and my name is in his book! The Roman Catholic church, along with many protestant, are going to be a part of the ecumenical harlot church of the new world order mid the antichrist, which honours every religion and god, including witches! Shudder! Thats why its called the whore! Many connect the harlot church with Rome. And now Mecca. But at the time John wrote it, Rome ruled. And the later persecution of the followers of Christ by the popes caused them to call the pope the antichrist and the RCC the harlot. Some still believe this. I believe the harlot is like the world council of religions, where they all gathered and worshipped every god! And Pope John Paul, now canonized, attended! Smh! -And the pope is the false prophet of the beast, maybe this one! As God cries in revelation, Come out of her, my people, that you may not partake of her sins! Never take idolatry lightly! God doesnt!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 12:12:20 +0000

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