Okay my Judy-Cool and the Baby Blue fans, here I am again!! Now - TopicsExpress


Okay my Judy-Cool and the Baby Blue fans, here I am again!! Now let me begin with telling you all that something very serious happened to either Baby Blue or Judy-Cool during the winter because one of us is not moving like they used to. Could be the bike, you know how garage stored items age sometimes. OR maybe,just maybe Judy Cool cooled off more than expected. However,with that said, let me tell you about the day I had today. Some people may think it totally impossible for anyone to have such an adventurous day by just riding a bike in a little village like Lakeview. Well please take heed as I take you through my undertaking of the day! I am starting to feel a little guilty about not spending more time with Baby Blue so this morning I decide this is the day to get motivated (because yesterday I actually went to the Gym and worked out on a few machines for about an hour!!! I know you are so proud now to know me right?) .So off I go! I have two letters to mail, and although, as I have mentioned before, the Post Office was sooo much closer last year, I am ready for the seventeen and a half (5 block really) jaunt because now I am conditioned! Baby Blue was really struggling to get moving, and therefore so was I. I pedaled and pedaled trying to get up a little speed so if anyone was watching me they wouldnt think I was some old woman on her first bike trip. I was really running low on energy, and breath as I was approaching the Post Office, but I was gaining. As I was just where I had to cross the street, I cautiously tried to look for upcoming traffic. I turned to my left to look, and of course due to a slight left eye problem I could not tell if there was anyone coming but was sure I heard a car so I tried to turn a full body turn as I was still pedaling. Next thing I knew I had slammed into the curve, about knocked myself off the bike and for sure caused myself a whip-lash!! Baby Blue came to a full and immediate stop!! Other than a slight bang on the leg and a small cut on my finger I was pretty much okay. So I proceed to cross the street, hoping that due to the cloudy day, all would be spectators would have their blinds closed and I could go on unnoticed. Just as I was thinking that, this man yells if you cant keep that bike from smashing into curbs maybe you should park it! I was about ready to cry when I saw the voice was coming from my next door neighbor who just happened to be driving the car I had avoided being hit by! He got a big laugh and I just swallowed my pride and tried to act like I was Judy- Cool and it was all part of the act! After he was out of sight I crossed over to the Post Office and a young girl was getting out of her car and she said did you know that you have a flat on your back tire? then she added that might be why your bike is pedaling so hard !!! Oh my!! I thanked her, mailed my letters, and pushed on. there is a tire shop just a block or so away from the Post Office so I struggle to keep my dignity and head to Jacks tire shop. I pull up, go to open the door and it is LOCKED!!! Dang, not going well for me! Now the gas station is only a few more blocks down the way so onward I proceed. I get to the station and pull up to the Air Pump and the sign reads $1 - quarters only!!! How many bike riders carry money with them, especially quarters??!! Not me!! Not even in my wonderful carry all basket!! I knew I would never make it all the way home to get money and get all the way back with still any life left in me, so with all of the humility I could muster I went into the gas station and had to ask the girl working (Ruby) if I could borrow a dollar. She hauled out her wallet and willingly loaned me the dollar. Now if you think my story ends here ----- read on!!! I take the caps off both tires, I put my quarters in the machine, I pull the stupid hose out and reach toward my tire and WHHOOOSH! the dang hose goes snapping back into its little hole, knocking Baby Blue on the ground, throwing my glasses and Smartphone out on the pavement.I quickly pick Baby Blue up and get it all settled back in to position for air. Of course I had to retrieve my Smartphone and glasses that had bounced a half mile down the driveway(almost). so then its back to the snap your hand off hose. Every time I connected it to the air thingy on the tire it snapped back into the machine. Finally after Baby Blue got knocked over again, and again sent my Smartphone and glasses flying, I pulled the beast out far enough to step on it to hold it in place, left Baby Blue mortifyingly on its side and got both tires blown up!! The trip home was so much easier and Baby Blue was pedaling nicely, when I realized I hadnt picked up my glasses and Smartphone when they went traveling on their own free will once again down the driveway of the gas station. I turned around, got back to the crime scene and fortunately my stuff was still waiting in the driveway to be recovered.Finally I am on my way back home. Two blocks before I reached home it started to rain. And it rained the rest of my trip! However, I made it! Baby Blue didnt get scratched (much), my tires are full of air, I drove back down to repay Ruby her dollar and I did remember to mail the letters! Now for anyone that still question how a simple bike ride could become so adventurous, just let me say I really think that God likes to hear my stories so he sends me material to use with how He directs my life!!! By the way, after I was comfortably home after all of that exercise, I made chocolate chip cookies, ate a few and had potato chips for a chaser!!! LOVELY TUESDAY!!! God Bless!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:08:27 +0000

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