Okay, my bold and brave readers, are you ready to take on the Book - TopicsExpress


Okay, my bold and brave readers, are you ready to take on the Book of Job? This is one of those books we try to avoid--especially when were not in the mood to feel depressed. Whats up with God playing ego games with Satan at our expense? Why were Jobs friends such jerks? After all the nasty things Job says about God, why does God take his side at the end? And after all the hell God puts Job through, why does He come at him in the form of a tornado and act like He has zero compassion for Jobs situation? Did you make the crocodile?! Now theres a question ever tormented soul wants to hear. Why does God kick us when were already down? Why does He punish us for doing right? Why do bad things happen to good people? Is suffering always a sign that God is mad at us? Is God focused on our past sins or on our future potential? These are all the questions we will answer in this post as we fly through all 42 chapters of this fascinating book. Job is the one and only close up of intense spiritual refinement that we find in the Bible. This book is a wonderful gift for those who are crawling through those dark nights of the soul, yet if we dont understand the lessons its teaching, it becomes a powerful weapon that Satan uses to drag us down. At first glance, God seems like a total jerk in this book, which is why we dont like to dig any deeper. Yet when we do go deeper, we discover life changing insights about how God matures us, His unchanging love for us, and His intimate involvement in every aspect of this world.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:59:46 +0000

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